Version: eXtendPS-DE and above
Audience: User


eXtendPS-DE includes a function that allows you to update the purchase prices of your NetSuite items, which were sourced from PromoStandards, using a Mass Update script.

Note: If you have more than 10,000 items to update, we recommend using a workflow or Map/Reduce script for the purchase price update. This will help improve performance. For more information, refer to the Automatically Update Item Purchase Price from PromoStandards documentation.


1. Go to List  Mass Update  Mass Updates.

2. In the "Custom Updates" section, select the "eXtendPS-DE Mass Update Purchase Price" option under either Inventory Part or Non-Inventory Part depending on the item type used in your NetSuite account.

3. A mass update criteria page will open. Set the filters according to your requirements to narrow down the list of PromoStandards items that need to be updated. For example, you can filter the list to show PromoStandards items for a specific vendor.
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4. Save and open your saved mass update, or click Preview to view the results.

5. Click Perform Update to start the Purchase Price update.
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