Version: eXtendSAGE-DE 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator
Prior to eXtendSAGE-DE usage, the setup page requires configuration for how it is going to be used.
To start, go to the eXtendSAGE-DE Setup page at eXtendTech → eXtendSAGE-DE → Setup from a NetSuite Administrator role.
SAGE Account Settings
Enter your SAGE account details.
Item Constitution Settings
Specifies the number of products to be shown on each page of the item search page. - MAXIMUM TOTAL SEARCHSpecifies the maximum number of products to retrieve in a search. Defaults to 1,000 if not specified. Set a lower number to return fewer products or up to 50,000 to return more. The maximum limit is 50,000.
Item Search Configuration
Specify how you would like item constitution to be performed.
Specify the NetSuite item type that you would like items to be created as. - MATRIX COLOR OPTION LIST FIELD
Specify the matrix item option field used on the item record to record its color. - MATRIX COLOR LIST ID
Enter the internal ID of the custom list that represents the list connected to the MATRIX COLOR OPTION LIST FIELD. - MATRIX SIZE OPTION LIST FIELDSpecify the matrix item option field used on the item record to record its size.
Enter the internal ID of the custom list that represents the list connected to the MATRIX SIZE OPTION LIST FIELD. - MATRIX ITEM NAME TEMPLATEThis field is used to control how the matrix item will be displayed in the Matrix Item Name/Number field.We recommend the value: {itemid}-{ITEM_COLOR_FIELD_ID}-{ITEM_SIZE_FIELD_ID}.Please ensure the value is chosen such that each matrix child can get a unique name.
- SET VENDOR AS PREFERRED VENDOR ON ITEMSThis preference determines whether to set the item vendor as a preferred vendor on item constitution or not.
This preference determines whether to ignore mandatory fields on the item form upon item constitution or not. - DO NOT RENAME ITEM AS PER MATRIX TEMPLATE
If this preference is enabled, the item name will not be renamed based on the MATRIX ITEM NAME TEMPLATE and will instead bet set based on any creating mapping records. Creating eXtendTech Field Mapping Records for Item Constitution. - ABBREVIATE MATRIX LIST IN NAME
If this preference is enabled, the matrix list value's abbreviation will be used instead of the full matrix list value.For example:If you have the matrix list option for "BLUE" with an abbreviation of "BLU", this setting would set "BLU" instead of "BLUE" in the item name. - SET SALES PRICE UPON ITEM CONSTITUTION
If this preference is enabled, the item pricing sublist on the item will be populated during item constitution. - SET LOWEST PURCHASE PRICE
If this preference is enabled, the purchase price will be set as the lowest price value received. Otherwise, the highest price value will be set by default. - ITEM CONSTITUTION DEPLOYMENT IDS
This field may be necessary when additional item constitution deployments are required. Contact eXtendTech Support for instructions on creating additional item constitution deployments. - EMPLOYEE
This is the employee record reference to use during item constitution and notification emails when "-System-" is the current user. - MAXIUMUM STATUS INFORMATION IN EMAIL
Specify the maximum number of rows that should be included in status emails from eXtendSAGE-DE.
Order Status
- ORDER STATUS SAVED SEARCH IDSpecify a purchase order saved search that contains the purchase orders that should be considered for order status updates from SAGE.
Specify the purchase order field that contains the SAGE Order Number to use for order status updates from SAGE. - UPDATE ORDER STATUS BUTTON LABELSpecify the button label to use for the order status button on the purchase order.
- ADDITIONAL STATUS TO SHOW BUTTONProvide any additional statuses where the update order status button should be displayed on the purchase order record.Ensure the statuses are specified in the following format:['Pending Receipt', 'Pending Billing']
Currency Mapping
Specify the currency ISO code for item pricing in SAGE.
Additional Settings
When enabled an in a Sandbox or Release Preview NetSuite environment, Map/Reduce scripts related to eXtendSAGE-DE will be processed. When not enabled, Map/Reduce scripts related to eXtendSAGE-DE will not be processed in Sandbox or Release Preview environments. Note: this field is not editable in Production environments.