Version: eXtendFiles 1.5.7 and above
Audience: Administrator

If you have recently issued or refreshed a Release Preview or Sandbox account, your eXtendFiles Approval and Public Upload links may still be pointing to the Production account (due to the refresh). To ensure that the links point to the correct account, you can generate new Approval and Public Upload Links.

Update Approval and Public Upload Links using a Mass Update
Using a NetSuite Mass Update, Approval and Public Upload Links can be regenerated so that they reflect the appropriate Sandbox/Release Preview link.

  1. Create a Mass Update that targets records enabled with eXtendFiles Multi-Approval and eXtendFiles Public Upload, for which you would like to regenerate links, and start to add Critera.
    1. Note: If the records are transaction records, add the criteria "Main Line is True" (screenshot example in Step 2) to avoid duplicating the same transaction record in the results.
  2. To find records requiring link generation, add the fields which have been configured in eXtendFiles for generating approval links and public upload links on the target records, and add those fields to the criteria. The screenshot below references the fields which are included in eXtendFiles and which are used by default on Sales Orders. Review your eXtendFiles Multi-Approval and Public Upload settings to confirm the fields in use in your environment.
    Image Placeholder

  3. In Mass Update Fields, select the approval and public upload link fields where your eXtendFiles approval URLs are stored. Review your eXtendFiles Multi-Approval and Public Upload settings to confirm the fields in use in your environment.
    1. Have the Mass Update blank out the fields by setting their value/content to emptyImage Placeholder

  4. Execute the Mass Update.

  5. Upon completion of the Mass Update, the old, Production approval and public upload links will be updated with new links (pointing towards your Sandbox or Release Preview account).