Version: eXtendFiles all versions
Audience: All


With eXtendFiles' thumbnail feature, you can display your eXtendFiles thumbnail image directly within your NetSuite saved search results using HTML/CSS. This is particularly useful as a sublist on the file's parent record, providing a quick visual of your file without needing to open the full eXtendFile record to view it.
Image Placeholder


  1. Create a result column of the Formula (HTML) type in an eXtendFiles-based saved search.
    Image Placeholder
  2. Enter the following HTML within the formula section to display the eXtendFiles thumbnail image. Note: you can update the HTML to show your own styling. Additionally, other publicly accessible URLs can be used as substitutes for the thumbnail image, such as the original URL or preview URL.
'<div style="max-width: 200px; background-color: #EAEAEA; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #EAEAEA; text-align: center;"><image style="max-height: 200px; max-width: 200px;" src=' || {custrecord_extend_files_thmbnail} || '><h1 style="background-color: #444444 ; color: #fff; word-break: break-all; padding:5px; text-align: left;">' || {name} || '</h1></div>'

Image Placeholder


  • If a thumbnail image is not available, or if it is a private thumbnail image, it won't be shown in the saved search.