Version: 1.0.0
Audience: User

Use-Case Overview 

eXtendItem provides an ability to search and constitute item which can be further utlized for integrated transactions. Vendor name in our database may not match with the vendor names in your NetSuite account. We also provide an ability to provide your own categories to item before constituting an item. To make the experience better for item constitution we set the vendor and categories automatically based on your last selection. This article describes in detail how the vendor selection works.

Vendor Auto Selection

Vendor auto selection works on the item search screen based on the eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds record. Details regarding creation of this record can be found in this article.

If eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds record is not created against your NetSuite vendor then, when you select a NetSuite vendor against the eXtendItem vendor coming in the item search result a new eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds record gets created and your NetSuite vendor gets mapped with eXtendItem vendor. And next time when you will execute the item search you previously selected vendor will appear against the eXtendItem vendor in item search page.

Note: When eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds record is auto created then you will not be able to place PO or view item pricing unless the eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds record is configured with required vendor credentials.

Item Category Auto Selection

When a category (both primary & secondary if configured) is selected against an item in eXtendItem search result a eXtendItemDB Category Map record is created.
This mapping record keeps a mapping between the vendor category (the category of the item coming in item search result) and the categories (primary & secondary) selected by you.
When you search for items next time then the mapped primary & secondary category will appear on the item search page.

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When you change the item categories, then the mapping record also gets updated and it will show the updated mapped vales on next item search.