Version: 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator

To place integrated Purchase Orders to vendors we provide you the flexibility of choosing the desired warehouse from Vendor, based on the API capabilities of the vendor. In some cases this maybe useful to save shipping cost. To take advantage of this feature you will need to create a mapping between your NetSuite's location with the vendor's warehouse and then we will pick the vendor's warehouse that has been mapped to your Purchase Order's body level location field.

Below are the steps for creating NetSuite location to the vendor's warehouse mappings:
  1. Prerequisite - But before creating the mapping you must have configured the following records:
    1. eXtendItemDB Source Vendors - Please refer this article for details regarding the creation of eXtendItemDB Source Vendors records.
    2. eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds - Please refer this article for details regarding the creation of eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds records.
    3. Vendor's Warehouse Locations - You will get the list of warehouses names from the vendor or contact eXtendTech support for the same.
  2. Navigate to eXtendTech > eXtendItem > Location Mappings > NewImage Placeholder
  3. Specify the value of the fields of this mapping record - 
    1. Source Vendor - Select the vendor for which you are creating this mapping.
    2. Vendor Location - Specify the name or ID (based on the value which is sent for PO placement to the vendor) of the vendor's warehouse location.
    3. NetSuite Location - Select the NetSuite location which you want to map with the vendor's location specified by you in #2.
    4. Vendor Creds Ref - Select the vendor credential record which is associated with the vendor selected in #1.