Version: 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator


In general each vendor provide their own shipping methods which they use for shipping items. So, in order to be in parity with the vendor ship methods you will need to create a mapping between the vendor's shipping methods with your NetSuite shipping methods which will be then used while placing PO to them.

But before creating the mapping you must have configured the following records:
  1. eXtendItemDB Source Vendors - Please refer this article for details regarding creation of eXtendItemDB Source Vendors records.
  2. eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds - Please refer this article for details regarding creation of eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds records.
  3. eXtendItemDB Vendor Ship Methods - This details regarding vendor's ship methods will be provided by the vendors itself and below is a sample list of vendor ship method list's CSV file which you can use to import their ship methods in your account under eXtendItemDB Vendor Ship Methods custom record.
    1. S&S Activewear Ship Methods - VendorShipMethods.csv

Shipping Methods Mappings Creation

  1. Navigate to eXtendTech > eXtendItem > Ship Method Mappings > New.Image Placeholder
  2. Specify values against the fields as per the details mentioned below:
    1. Vendor - This will list all the eXtendItemDB Source Vendors which are created in your account. Select the one for which you want to create this shipping method mapping.
    2. Vendor Ship Method - Once the vendor is selected in previous mentioned field, all the shipping method records (eXtendItemDB Vendor Ship Methods) linked with that vendor will appear in this dropdown field. Select the vendor's  shipping method which you want to map.
    3. NetSuite Ship Method - THis field will list all the shipping methods present in your NetSuite account. Select the one which you want to map with the vendor's ship method selected by you in the previous step.
    4. Vendor Creds Ref - This field will list all the vendor creds records linked with the vendor record selected by you in #1. Select the vendor creds record which you want to associate with this mapping record.