SuiteApp Version: eXtendMobile 1.12 and above
Mobile App Version: eXtendMobile 1.12 and above
Audience: eXtendMobile Admin
Use Cases
- Adding fields to eXtendMobile's view, create, edit, and transform function forms.
- Understanding form fields.
- Updating field details.
- Setting default field values.
- Rearranging fields.
This article covers information on form customization in the eXtendMobile App v1.12. It covers the process of adding fields to a function's form, configuring forms, adding and categorizing field groups, and selecting fields. Additionally, it explains field properties such as making fields mandatory, hidden, or read-only, and not sending data to NetSuite. The article also includes information on configuring field details for different field types, defaulting field values, and rearranging field positions on the form.
Adding Fields to a Function's Form
In view, create, edit, and transform functions, you can add fields to their associated form.
- Create a function based on your requirements. See Creating functions in eXtendMobile application for information on function creation.
- To access the form configuration page, tap Edit the function and tap the Configure Form button located on the home screen of your function.
- Tap the add icon to add a field group to the form. Field groups are used to categorize the fields on the form.Specify the name for the field group. If your field group is a sublist, enable the sublist toggle. For example, if you want to add an item sublist to the field group, you need to mark the field group as a sublist.
- Once the field groups are created, open a field group and tap the Add Field button to add fields to the group.
- Upon tapping the Add Field button, a list of available fields will be displayed for selection. If the field group is marked as a sublist, only sublists will appear for selection.
- Select the field you want to add to your form. You can also use the search bar to search for the field you want to add to the form.
- If you long press on any listed field, multiple select will be activated so that you may tap on multiple fields to add those fields to the form.
- When you search for fields in a field group configured for sublists, only sublists will be shown for selection:
- Once a sublist is added, tap the sublist tile to add fields to the sublist:
- Similar to main fields, a list of available fields will appear for the sublist and you can select the fields you want to add to your sublist.
- If you have eXtendFiles and want to add the eXtendFiles uploader to your function, see Configuring eXtendFiles Upload on Mobile Functions for configuration details.
- After adding your desired fields, tap Save to save the form.
Field Properties
There are some field properties listed below that can change the behavior or remove the field from the form. The field properties may vary depending on the use case.
Access Field Options
Swipe right on a field to view all the field options available. These values will differ depending on the function type.

Remove a Field
To remove a field from the form, swipe left. A confirmation will be shown prior to the field being removed from the form.

Tap Hide to make this field hidden on forms. This setting is helpful when the data for this field is populated based on the data from other fields and is required for submitting to NetSuite, but you do not want to show this field on the forms. Once the field is marked as hidden, it will be shown as disabled on the form configuration page, as shown below.

Tap Mandatory to make this field mandatory on the form. Once the field is marked mandatory, an asterisk will be shown in the field label.

Tap Details to view and edit details for this field. See the following section in this article for more information.
Read Only
Enable this option to make the field uneditable on the form. This setting is helpful when you do not want users to edit the field, but you want to show it on form. For example, in a sales order edit function you may want to show the subsidiary field on form, but you do not want your users to edit its value.
Don't Send To NetSuite
Enable this option if you do not want to send the data for this field to NetSuite.
Configuration of Field Details
When you tap the Details option for a field, you will have additional options depending upon the field type.
- Text/Long Text/Text Area/Integer/Float Fields
See Text/Long Text/Text Area/Integer/Float Field Details for details. - Select Fields
See Select/Multi-Select Field Details for details. - Currency Fields
For a currency field, you will have additional field configuration options in addition to the ones present for text fields. - Currency Symbol
You can specify the currency symbol which will be displayed on the forms. For more details regarding the behavior of currency fields, see Currency Fields Behaviour in eXtendMobile. - Time Tracking Fields
You can find this field generally on the time tracking record. This field will be used for specifying the time in hours and minutes using a time picker. There are limited options for this field's details screen. See Text/Long Text/Text Area/Integer/Float Field Details for more details. - Date Fields
This field is for specifying a date and allows the use of a date picker.There are limited options for this field's details screen. See Text/Long Text/Text Area/Integer/Float Field Details for more details.Apart from the general fields found on text fields, there is an additional field named Default Date for this field type. You can use this field to set the current date to today, tomorrow, user field, and yesterday. - Date Time Fields
A Date Time field will have same behavior and fields as the Date field. The only difference between these two fields is that in datetime, users will be able to select the time after selecting the date. - Email and Phone Fields
The field detail for these fields is same as for text fields. See Text/Long Text/Text Area/Integer/Float Field Details for more details. - URL
The field detail for these fields is same as for text fields. See Text/Long Text/Text Area/Integer/Float Field Details for more details.
Defaulting a Field Value on Form
Specify a value for a field on the form configuration page to set it as the field's default value. In the example below, we have set default values for Sales Rep and Comments.

To clear the default value, swipe the card to the right and tap "Clear".

When a default field value is in place, whenever you create a record using a function containing a field default, the values will be populated. In the example below, the Sales Rep and Comments fields have been defaulted to the values specified in the previous step:

Note: Even when a default is applied, you can override the default value when creating or updating the record.
Special Cases
For Date and Datetime fields, you can also specify default values using the Default Date field present under the field details.
There are three options available: today, tomorrow, and yesterday.

Based on the selected option, the date will appear in the field during function execution.
Note: For datetime fields, the time value will always pick the current time when the function is executed, regardless of the default option chosen.
Rearranging Fields
The order in which fields are added to the form will be reflected in the same sequence when using the functions.
To change the position of a field, long press the up/down arrow. This will make the field's tile movable, allowing you to drag it up or down to a new position. Release your finger to set the field in its new position and Save the form configuration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How do I access the form configuration page?
From an eXtendMobile Admin role, Edit the desired function and tap the Configure Form button located on the home screen of your function. - How can I categorize fields on a form?
You can categorize fields on a form by adding field groups. Tap the add icon to add a field group to the form and specify the name for the field group. - How do I make a field mandatory on a form?
To make a field mandatory, tap the Mandatory option in the field properties. An asterisk will appear in the field label to indicate that it is mandatory. - How do I hide a field on a form?
To hide a field, tap the Hide option in the field properties. The field will be shown as disabled on the form configuration page. - How do I set a default value for a field on the form?
Specify a value for a field on the form configuration page to set it as the field's default value. Swipe the card to the right and tap "Clear" to clear the default value. - Can I rearrange the fields on a form?
Yes, you can rearrange the fields by long pressing the up/down arrow next to the field's tile, dragging it to the desired position, and then releasing your finger to set the new position on the form configuration page. Remember to save the form configuration.