SuiteApp Version: 1.10
Mobile App Version: 1.10
Audience: Administrator

Use Case

  • When configuring the field details for the different field types in eXtendMobile, different field detail options will be available depending on the field type.


Field detail configuration will vary depending on the type of field, but some field types share a similar set of field details. This article provides details on the Text, Long Text, Text Area, Integer, and Float fields present in different types of functions.

Field Details

  1. Edit Function
    Image Placeholder

    1. Field ID
      This is a non-editable field which shows the internal ID of the field you are viewing.

    2. Field Label
      The value entered in this field determines the label that will be displayed for the field in a form. By default, the label will be the same as the field name in your NetSuite account.

      Note: The label displayed is the exact label specified on the custom field in NetSuite. It does not source the label from any NetSuite custom forms.

    3. Field Type
      This field indicates the type of the field. We suggest not changing this value unless it is necessary.

    4. Field Search ID
      This field displays the value of the field's search ID. This can be helpful when the field's internal ID differs from its search ID. For instance, the Memo field on the transaction body has a field ID of memo, but its search ID is memomain.

    5. Custom Formula
      You can specify a formula in this field to automatically set the value. For example, if there are fields for quantity and rate, you can write a formula to calculate the total amount based on the quantity and rate.
    6. Force Default Value
      When you specify a default value for a field, the value is set for the record only when the field doesn't already have any existing values in edit functions. To override an existing value, you can enable this option.

    7. Default Value From User
      This field allows you to source data from the logged-in user's record to set values on the current form. You can select user fields, and the value present in the user field will be set on the corresponding field in the form. For example, you can source the Location value from the logged-in user so that it can automatically be set in the Location field for the current record.

    8. Scan
      This setting enables you to populate a field value using scan input.

      Note: Even if the scan input feature is enabled on a field, you can still manually enter a value. For more details about this feature, refer to Enabling Scan Input on Form Fields.

    9. Sourcing Field
      Select the field from which you want to source information. The available fields are those added to the form.

    10. Field Display Rules (Button)
      See Field Display Configuration for details regarding Field Display Rules.
  2. Transform Function
    The available field details in the Transform Function are the same as those in the Edit Function, with the exception of the Sourcing Field option, which is not available.

  3. Create Function
    The available field details in the Create Function are the same as those in the Edit Function, with the exception of the Force Default Value option, which is not available.