SuiteApp Version: eXtendMobile 1.12 and above
Mobile App Version: eXtendMobile 1.12 and above
Audience: Administrator
Use Case
- In the eXtendMobile application, you can create, update, transform, and list records according to the permissions assigned to your eXtendMobile role.
eXtendMobile supports two types of roles: eXtendMobile Admin and non-admin. Only users with eXtendMobile Admin roles can create, edit, or delete functions. To create, edit, or delete functions, you need to log into your eXtendMobile app using an eXtendMobile Admin role.
eXtendMobile allows you to create the following types of functions:
- Create NetSuite Records
This function enables you to create NetSuite records of the record types for which your role has permission. - View NetSuite Records
This function enables you to view NetSuite records of the record types for which your role has permission. - Update NetSuite Records
This function enables you to edit/update NetSuite records of the record types for which your role has permission. - Transform NetSuite Records
This function enables you to transform NetSuite records for which your role has permission. - List View
This function enables you to create NetSuite records' list views based on the saved searches for which your role has permission. - Web View
This function will enable you to configure a web view within eXtendMobile. - Multi FunctionThis function will show you multiple functions on the same screen which shows data depending upon the selection of records in the functions. This function type is limited to web portal only.
Creating Functions
Follow the steps below to add functions in eXtendMobile:
- Login with an eXtendMobile Admin role.
- To create functions, tap the add button (+) present on the home screen.
- A list of function types will be displayed:
- Create NetSuite Record
Select this function type if you want to create a NetSuite record. - Upon selecting this function type, the Create NetSuite Record Setup screen will open.eXtendMobile App:eXtendMobile Web:
- Specify the function details. (Note: the field grouping will be different in the app than in the web portal):
- Function Name
Specify the name of the function you are creating. The function tile on the home screen will show this name. - ColorIf you want to specify a custom color for your function tile, you can specify it here. For more details on this feature, see Changing Function Tile Color and Icon in eXtendMobile.
- Icon
If you want to specify a custom icon for your function tile, you can specify it here. For more details on this feature, see Changing Function Tile Color and Icon in eXtendMobile. - Record Type
Select the NetSuite record type the function is creating. - Dynamic
Enable this option if you want to source fields dynamically based upon the logged-in user. - Recent Action Fields
Select the fields you want to display on recent actions list. If this field is left blank, the ID of the created record will be shown. See Recent Actions & Recent Messages for more details. - Preferred Name Field
This setting is used in linked functions to show the default select field value's label. For more details on linked functions, see Working with Function Linking in eXtendMobile. - Enable Focus On First Field
If this preference is enabled, upon opening the function the focus will automatically go to the first editable field. - Hide Save And New
This option controls whether to show the Save And New button or not. - Scan Form Data
Not yet detailed. Please contact eXtendTech Support for questions related to this field. - Cache Function
Enable this option if you want to enable caching on this function to use it in offline mode. For more details regarding cached functions, see Offline Function Caching in the eXtendMobile App. - Submit Synchronously
Allows viewing of NetSuite success/error messages in real time, synchronously, immediately after tapping the Save button. This eliminates the need to wait for the completion of polling on recent actions. Learn more in the eXtendMobile 1.11.449 Release Notes. - Function Display Settings
- Applied Roles
Select the user roles that should have access to this function. - Function Group
Select the function group to add this function to. - Show On
This setting determines on which platform the function will be visible. There are three options for selection: - Mobile & Web (Default Value)
The function will be visible on both mobile and web. - Mobile Only
The function will be visible only on mobile. - Web Only
The function tile will be visible only on the web portal. - Hide From User
If this preference is enabled, this function will not appear on the user's home screen.This feature is useful when you do not want users to use the function directly, but instead want them to use it through a linked function configuration. - If you are creating the function in web portal, you will find these additional options available:
- Select Client JS Script
Upload a client JavaScript file which will be used to perform custom actions based on your requirements. This feature is helpful if you want to perform client side actions based on field change or button event. For more details regarding this feature, please contact eXtendTech Support. - Custom Save Hook
Specify the name of the SuiteScript hook function which you want to execute upon record save. For this advanced configuration, contact eXtendTech Support to discuss implementation options. - After detailing your function, tap the Save button to be redirected to the Form Configuration screen.
- On this screen you can add fields using the add (+) button. These fields will be displayed when you use the function. See Form Configuration for more details on form configuration.
- Once you have added your fields, tap Save.
- View NetSuite Record
Select this function if you want to add a function to view a NetSuite record (Note: the field grouping will be different in the app than in the web portal): - Upon selecting this function, the View NetSuite Record Setup screen will open.eXtendMobile App:eXtendMobile Web:
- Specify the function details:
- Function Name
Specify the name of the function you are creating. The function tile on the home screen will show this name. - ColorIf you want to specify a custom color for your function tile, you can specify it here. For more details on this feature, see Changing Function Tile Color and Icon in eXtendMobile.
- Icon
If you want to specify a custom icon for your function tile, you can specify it here. For more details on this feature, see Changing Function Tile Color and Icon in eXtendMobile. - Record Type
Select the NetSuite record type the function is viewing. - Scan Filter Field
The value of this field will be used as the unique identifier for your record when loading it from NetSuite. Since it will be a unique identifier, it is best to use a field which will always have unique value.For example: In case of a Sales Order record you can select Order# as the scan field which is a unique number for the Sales Order. The Scan Filter is a required field, so you must specify a value against it in order to create the function. - Search Max Result
In the case where multiple results are fetched from NetSuite when you provide the scan field value, the number of matching results to be shown can be configured using this setting. - Search Operators
This field determines which search operator should be used when fetching results from NetSuite (based on the scan field value). Leave this field blank if you do not want to specify any specific search operator. The default search operator in this case will be "is".Note: Search operators are dependent upon the type of field selected in scan field's data type so select the search operator accordingly. For more information regarding the search operators, please refer to NetSuite's SuiteAnswers. - Scan
If you want to use the scanning feature to enter field values when using this function, turn on the Scan radio button. If this feature is not enabled, you will type the scan field value manually. - Dynamic
Enable this if you want to source fields dynamically based on the logged-in user. - Preferred Name Field
This setting is used in linked functions to show the default select field value's label. For more details on linked functions, see Working with Function Linking in eXtendMobile. - Cache Function
Enable this option if you want to enable caching on this function to use it in offline mode. For more details regarding cached functions, see Offline Function Caching in the eXtendMobile App. - Function Display Settings
- Applied Roles
Select the user roles that should have access to this function. - Function Group
Select the function group to add this function to. - Show On
This setting determines on which platform the function will be visible. There are three options for selection: - Mobile & Web (Default Value)
The function will be visible on both mobile and web. - Mobile Only
The function will be visible only on mobile. - Web Only
The function tile will be visible only on the web portal. - Hide From User
If this preference is enabled, this function will not appear on the user's homescreen.Note: This feature is useful when you do not want users to use the function directly, but you want them to use it through a linked function configuration. - Set Dynamic Filter
View functions support the configuration of dynamic filters. There will be a Set Dynamic Filter button available in the function configuration. You can use this button to configure a dynamic filter which will be applied before fetching the results from NetSuite. This filter will help you define filters based on current logged-in user details. For more information, see Setting Dynamic Filters on Edit & View Functions. - Initialize Workflow
See How to Configure NetSuite Workflow Buttons in eXtendMobile View Functions for details on this feature. - After detailing your function, tap Save to be redirected to the Form Configuration screen. See Form Configuration for more details on form configuration. Add fields on the form as
per your requirements.
- On the Form
Configuration screen you will find a button named Add
Target Functions. This button can be used to link other
functions to this function. See Working with Function Linking for more details on utilizing target functions.
- If you are creating the function in web portal, you will find these additional options available:
- Select Client JS Script
Upload a client JavaScript file which will be used to perform custom actions based on your requirements. This feature is helpful if you want to perform client side actions based on field change or button event. For more details regarding this feature, please contact eXtendTech Support. - Update NetSuite Record
Select this function if you want to add a function to update a record in NetSuite.(Note: Note: the field grouping will be different in the app than in the web portal):eXtendMobile App:eXtendMobile Web: - The function creation steps in this function type is similar to the view function, but there are some additional fields that need to be configured:
- Recent Action Fields
Select the fields you want to display on recent actions list. If this field is left blank, the ID of the created record will be shown. See Recent Actions & Recent Messages for more information. - The form configuration process is same as in the create function. See Form Configuration for more information.
- Set Dynamic Filter
The configuration of this feature is same as in the edit function (detailed in sections above). - If you are creating the function in web portal, you will find these additional options available:
- Select Client JS Script
Upload a client JavaScript file which will be used to perform custom actions based on your requirements. This feature is helpful if you want to perform client side actions based on field change or button event. For more details regarding this feature, please contact eXtendTech Support. - Custom Save Hook
Specify the name of the SuiteScript hook function which you want to execute upon record save. For this advanced configuration, contact eXtendTech Support to discuss implementation options. - Once all the fields are specified on the form and saved, you can see your function on the home screen.
- Transform NetSuite Record
See Creating Transform Functions for detailed instructions on creating transform functions. - List View
See Creating List Functions for detailed instructions on creating list functions. - Web View
Select this function type if you want to add a web view function. - Upon selecting this function type, the Web View Setup screen will open.
- Specify the field values:
- Function Name
Specify a name for the function. - ColorIf you want to specify a custom color for your function tile, you can specify it here. For more details on this feature, see Changing Function Tile Color and Icon in eXtendMobile.
- Icon
If you want to specify a custom icon for your function tile, you can specify it here. For more details on this feature, see Changing Function Tile Color and Icon in eXtendMobile. - Site URL
Specify the site URL for the web view. - Function Display Settings
- Applied Roles
Select the user roles that should have access to this function. - Function Group
Select the function group to add this function to. - Show On
This setting determines on which platform the function will be visible. There are three options for selection: - Mobile & Web (Default Value)
The function will be visible on both mobile and web. - Mobile Only
The function will be visible only on mobile. - Web Only
The function tile will be visible only on the web portal. - Multi Function
See Creating a Multi-Function Function for detailed instructions on creating multi-functions.