Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment

  • Added a new screen to show the mismatch between Sales Order Line Item Quantity and the Pre-Fulfillment Item Quantity to quickly figure out errors. Learn More.
  • Added a button on the Multi-Fulfillment Upload Page to download the Pre-Fulfillment Upload template. Learn More.

  • If the number of Source Item Fulfillments is more than 30, show a meaningful error and skip MultiFulfillment processing to avoid losing Source Item Fulfillments due to the high risk of not being able to restore the deleted Item Fulfillments.
  • Ensure that email notifications are sent to correct user when a user clicks the Multifulfill button on the Sales Order record.
  • Added support for sending email notifications for Sales Orders with a high number of Item Fulfillments to be created. Previously, the email was sent only when the number of Item Fulfillments could be processed within the scope of single script.
  • Disabled the Pre-Fulfillment Button if the Sales Order is already Billed to avoid re-creating Pre-Fulfillment records on processed orders.