eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.1


  • Improved validations for prefulfillment import files. Pre-fulfillment Upload Validation Checks.
  • Added the "PROCESS WHEN FULFILLMENT IS SHIPPED" configuration option to enable processing when an item fulfillment's status is shipped.
    Image Placeholder
  • The ship carrier field will now show on the prefulfillment modal while in view mode.


  • Fixed an issue where inactive items were being shown in the prefulfillment modal.
  • Fixed an issue where the prefulfillment modal could not open due to shipping carrier search errors.
  • Avoid item fulfillment creation failures during the multifulfillment process due to custom mandatory fields.
  • Fixed an issue where ship methods where not being shown correctly due to UPS and non-UPS carriers.
  • Long error messages will now be scrollable in the prefulfillment modal (as shown below) instead of expanding the modal height.

eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.1.1


  • Fixed an issue where the shipping address did not display the state and city details in the prefulfillment modal when the prefulfillment was created within the modal.