Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.0.3
Audience: User

Use Case

Validate pre-fulfillment record data within the CSV/Excel file being uploaded via the eXtend Multi-Fulfillment Upload for errors related to:
  • Column names
  • Addresses


The eXtendMultifulfillment pre-fulfillment upload validates common data and formatting errors in the CSV/Excel file being uploaded. This allows errors to be corrected before pre-fulfillment record creation.

See Creating Pre-Fulfillment records using the Upload MultiFulfillment Sheet Feature for details regarding the Pre-Fulfillment Upload feature.

The following categories are validated during pre-fulfillment CSV/Excel file upload:
  1. CSV/Excel Column Headers
    Column headers present in the CSV/Excel sheet are validated to avoid data mapping issues. eXtendTech recommends downloading the sample template which is available on the eXtend Multi-Fulfillment Upload page to ensure proper column headers.

    The columns below are mandatory for each line in the upload file:
    1. Sales Order
    2. Prefulfillment Item Shipment Group
    3. Ship Date
    4. Ship Method

  2. Data Type Validation
    The data types for the following fields will be validated. If the values of these fields do not match the expected data type, a validation error will be displayed.

    1. Item Quantity
      Data type: Integer

    2. Ship Date
      Data type: Date

    3. Prefulfillment Item Shipment Group
      Data type: Integer

  3. Address Validation
    Only addresses in the United States will be validated. This means that an address will only be validated if the country is specified as US, United States, or United States of America.

    1. State validation
      The specified state will be validated against the valid states of the United States.

    2. City
      The specified city will be validated against the valid cities for the specified state.

    3. ZIP Code
      The specified ZIP code will be validated against the valid ZIP codes for the specified city.