Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.0.1 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


When attempting to add or update prefulfillment records using the CSV import method or the manual method, you are encountering the following errors in the Multifulfillment Logs:

  • "An error occurred while creating fulfillments from Prefulfillment records"
  • "You cannot create an inventory detail for this item"
Image Placeholder


Solution 1

When receiving this error, load the associated sales order record in NetSuite and confirm that every line item has a location specified.

Location is required on each line of the Sales Order record to create a prefulfillment record.

Solution 2

Another possible fix is to copy the location from the source item fulfillment line using custom SuiteScript hooks. Follow these steps to create this function:

  1. Go to Documents Files File Cabinet.

  2. Search SuiteScripts → eXtendTech folder and open the suite_multifulfillment_fields.js file in edit mode.

  3. Below is an example snippet. Depending on the version currently deployed within your NetSuite environment, you may need to add or remove other bodyFields.
/** * @NModuleScope Public */
define([], function() {
    var bodyFields = ['trandate', 'shipstatus'];
    var columnFields = ['location'];
    return {
        bodyFields: bodyFields,
        columnFields: columnFields