Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.0.2 and above
Audience: User


eXtendMultiFulfillment offers two methods to create prefulfillment records:
  1. Manual creation using the prefulfillment modal.
This article will cover the steps to manually create prefulfillment records.


  1. Go to your sales order record.

  2. Create a base item fulfillment record and mark its status as "Picked.”

  3. On the sales order, go to the "eXtendMultifulfillment" subtab.

    Note: If the subtab is not visible, contact your NetSuite Administrator to see if it has been hidden.

  4. Click Specify Pre-fulfillment Details.
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  5. A modal will open where prefulfillment record details can be defined.
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  6. Enter the shipment details.

    Note: Each fulfillment group will be created as a prefulfillment record upon record save.

  7. If you enter a quantity that exceeds the available quantity for an item, the quantity field will be highlighted in red, and you will receive an error message.
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In the video demo below, you will see how to manually add pre-fulfillment records within the NetSuite UI.

Note: if you are entering more than 130 prefulfillments, we recommend that you use the Excel/CSV upload approach instead. Creating Pre-Fulfillment records using the Upload MultiFulfillment Sheet Feature.