Version: eXtendMultiFulfillments 1.0.2 and above
Audience: User


eXtendMultiFulfillments provides the ability to import prefulfillment records using the Multi-Fulfillment Upload feature. While working with prefulfillment records in the NetSuite User Interface is limited to 130 records due to script governance, there is no limit on the number of prefulfillment records which can be processed using imports.

Using this feature, you can create prefulfillment records for your sales order using a CSV import template.

To understand how prefulfillment records are linked with the item(s) present on the sales order record, see What are UUIDs or Unique line item keys?


  1. Using the provided import template, create a CSV/Excel file for the prefulfillment records to be created. You can download the Pre-Fulfillment record template directly from the prefulfillment upload page at eXtendTech → eXtendMultifulfillments → Upload MultiFulfillment Sheet.
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  2. Follow the instructions below for passing the correct values for the Country field when creating prefulfillment upload sheets:
    1. Valid values for the Country Name must match the Country List in NetSuite at Setup → Company → Countries.
    2. The Country Name match will be case insensitive. 
    3. You may also pass the Country Code instead of the Country Name. You can find the Country Code from the NetSuite Record URL of a Country. Example: United Kingdom: GB is the NetSuite Country Code for the URL above. 
    4. For USA, you may pass US, USA, United States, or United States of America.
  3. To upload your CSV file, go to eXtendTech → eXtendMultifulfillments → Upload MultiFulfillment Sheet.Image Placeholder

  4. Upload your file using the Choose Your SpreadSheet button, or by drag-and-dropping your file into the upload window.
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  5. Once the prefulfillment sheet is submitted, it will be validated for data errors. See Pre-fulfillment Upload Validation Checks for details regarding validation checks. If there are no errors in the file, it will be processed for prefulfillment record creation/update. If validation errors have occurred, they will be shown similar to the examples below. 
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  6. Once the upload process begins, the status and time remaining will be shown on the screen. This screen will refresh periodically to update the status and time remaining. 
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  7. If you close the processing screen and want to view the status of the prefulfillment record creation, you can view the status by using the link present on the sales order record in the EXTENDMULTIFULFILLMENT UPLOAD STATUS field.
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  8. Upon successful upload, the following message will be displayed.Image Placeholder

  9. If an error was encountered where not all records could be uploaded, you will receive a message showing the percentage of records that were created.
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Note: If the number of prefulfillment records is greater than 130, you will not be able to Add, Delete, or Copy prefulfillment records using the prefulfillment modal window within the NetSuite User Interface. See Max allowed Pre-fulfillment limit reached. Please use CSV/Excel upload method for additional information.

If you want to update existing prefulfillment records, you must either manually update the record or reupload the CSV file using the Replace Existing Records preference.
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Item Fulfillments will be created based on the prefulfillment records which were imported on a scheduled deployment of the Item Fulfillment Creation Map/Reduce script. Alternatively, you can execute the Item Fulfillment creation process on-demand from the Multifulfillment job runner at eXtendTech → eXtendMultiFulfillment → Multifulfillment Job Runner.

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Note: If you want to replace previously created Pre-Fulfillment records, mark the checkbox Replace Existing Records before uploading your Pre-Fulfillment record sheet.

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All Pre-Fulfillment upload files will be saved in the folder: eXtendTech → extendmultifullfillupload_backup in the NetSuite File Cabinet. These backup files will be automatically deleted from your File Cabinet every 30 days on a scheduled basis. This schedule can be modified based on your requirements.