Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment all versions
Audience: User

If you receive the error below, due to NetSuite limitations you will need to make Pre-Fulfillment Record Additions/Updates via CSV/Excel Import.

Max allowed Pre-fulfillment limit reached. Please use CSV/Excel upload method

Due to NetSuite limitations, only 130 Pre-Fulfillment records can be rendered within the Specify Pre-Fulfillment Details Modal (anything above 130 cannot be loaded, rendered, or accessed).

The message generates when trying to open the Specify Pre-Fulfillment Details Modal on a Sales Order which has 130 or more Pre-Fulfillment Records. Any Additions or Updates that need to be processed after the 130-record limit is reached (in the NetSuite UI) need to be updated via CSV/Excel Upload where NetSuite allows access to all the records for edits and updates.