Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.0.1 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) are unique ids allocated to the different line items on your record. This is useful to verify quantity mismatch issues between your sales order's item(s) and prefulfillment quantities which are assigned. This is used to establish a relationship between the sales order line item and item fulfillment line item.

Note: If you attempt to open the prefulfillment modal and line(s) do not have a UUID assigned, an error message will appear stating that the sales order does not have UUIDs assigned. The sales order will then be reloaded to set UUIDs.

When creating prefulfillment records from the prefulfillment modal, you can see the item's sales order line item index next to the item.

When creating prefulfillment records using the CSV upload method, the pre-fulfillments are auto-assigned a UUID (based on the first available quantity) as long as CSV does not have order line index or line item UUID already assigned.

For example:
Pre-Fulfillment sheet has line items:
PF-Line#1, ITEM:A , Qty:2
PF-Line#2, ITEM:A,  Qty:2
PF-Line#3, ITEM:A,  Qty:2

Line Items on Sales Order are:
Line#1, Item: A, Qty:3
Line#2, Item: A, Qty: 4

In this case, PF-line#1 will be linked to Line#1, and PF-Line#2 and #3 will be linked to Line#2.

Prefulfillment UUIDs by Item:
Image Placeholder

Sales Order UUIDs by Item:
Image Placeholder