If you receive an error similar to below, it may be because you have the same item added multiple times on your Sales Order, so eXtendMultiFulfillment has had an issue distributing the available inventory as it has been split between the lines.
Processing error - Pre-fulfillment cannot be overfulfilled. Please ensure sufficient quantity exists on the line item for item (CSTM-5935 : CSTM-5935-Frost Blue) on Order: S4254. Requested quantity: 68.
Example of quantity shortage between lines:
In this case, if you add the Line UUID to your CSV MultiFulfillment Template it will be able to distribute the inventory in the correct quantities. You can find the Line UUID for an item from the SO Line items sum sublist on the eXtendMultiFulfillment subtab. The Line UUID to use for the item will be listed on the right side of the list for the associated item.