Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment and above
Audience: User


When uploading a pre-fulfillment CSV file, you must ensure that the country names are in an acceptable format as per NetSuite's country list.

Steps to Find Valid Country Names and Codes

  1. Navigate to the Countries page at SetupCompanyCountries.

  2. Select the country that you will use in your pre-fulfillment CSV file.

  3. The URL for the page that opens contains the country code. This code can be used in your CSV file.

Important Notes

  • The pre-fulfillment CSV upload feature accepts both the full country name and the two letter country code formats. For example, both United Kingdom and GB are supported.
  • The match for Country Name is case insensitive.
  • For USA, you can use US, USA, United States, or United States of America.