Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.0.0 and above
Audience: Administrator, User

eXtendMultiFulfillment allows you to specify third party shipping accounts on pre-fulfillment records so that they are mapped to your generated item fulfillment records, when processed.

Setup Configuration (Administrator)

1. Go to eXtendTech eXtendMultiFulfillment Setup.Image Placeholder

2. Mark the "ENABLE THIRD PARTY SHIPPING" option as checked.
Image Placeholder

3. Specify the third party shipping account field id from your item fulfillment record in the "SPECIFY THIRD PARTY FIELD ON ORDER" field.

Note: If you want to source the third party shipping account field from the Sales Order to the Item fulfillment record, make sure that the third party shipping account field is the same field on both record types.

Using the Third Party Shipping Account Field (User)

1. When the feature is enabled, an extra column called "Third Party" will appear in your pre-fulfillment modal.Image Placeholder

2. If the third party shipping account field contains a value on the Sales Order record, then that value will be sourced into this field automatically.

3. This value will be stored on the associated pre-fulfillment record under the "Third Party" field as shown below.
Image Placeholder

4. When item fulfillment records are generated using pre-fulfillment records, the third-party shipping account value will be added to the item fulfillment record.