Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment 1.0.0 and above
Audience: Administrator


To enable all eXtendMultiFulfillment functionality, you need to deploy various NetSuite workflows.

Use Cases

  • Generating Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) on Sales Order line items.
  • Marking Sales Orders as an "eXtendMultiFulfillment Order" when prefulfillment records are attached.
  • Add the "Multifulfill" button to Sales Orders to initiate processing of unprocessed prefulfillment records.


Workflows which should be deployed for eXtendMultiFulfillment are listed below.

  1. eXtendMultifulfill SO UUID gen [B] {customWorkflow_extend_multifulfill_uuid}
    This workflow is used to generate
    Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) on Sales Order line items. See What are UUIDs or Unique Line Item Keys? for more details.

  2. eXtend Mark Order as Multi-Fulfilled [B] {customWorkflow_extend_multiful_order}
    This workflow is used to m
    ark Sales Orders as an "eXtendMultiFulfillment Order" when prefulfillment records are attached.

  3. eXtendMultifulfill SO Workflow [B] {customWorkflow_extend_multifulfill_so_wo}
    This workflow is used to add a “Multifulfill” button on the Sales Order if the unprocessed prefulfillment record count is greater than 0. 

Note: It is recommended to create copies of the original workflows above and set the original workflows with a "Suspended" status.