Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment and above
Audience: Administrator, User

When working to resolve issues where multiple (extra) sets of Pre-Fulfillment records were uploaded to the same Sales Order, we have included a custom field called "Fulfillment Request Id" (internal id {custrecord_extend_ful_request_id}) on the Pre-Fulfillment record.

Image Placeholder

This field will hold a unique key for all the Pre-Fulfillment records which were uploaded at a single time and will facilitate the differentiation between the Pre-Fulfillment records groups which were uploaded to the Sales Order.

For example:
If more than one person uploaded Pre-Fulfillment records to the same Sales Order, you can easily group them based on the value in "Fulfillment Request Id" field to delete the extra set of Pre-Fulfillment records which are not needed.

Note: This feature is applicable for Pre-Fulfillment records which are created the Pre-Fulfillment Modal as well as Pre-Fulfillment records created using the CSV/Excel upload.