Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment and above 
Audience: Administrator, User


If non-item lines are added to your sales order after initial prefulfillment record creation, you can trigger the Auto-Sweep of Non-Item Lines function for the added line items using the following options.

Prerequisites (NetSuite Administrator)

Specify the saved search for non-item lines on the eXtendMultiFulfillment Setup page in the NON ITEM SAVED SEARCH ID field. This saved search will control which non-item lines have auto-sweep applied.

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Option 1 - User Interface

1. On the eXtendMultiFulfillment subtab, open the Specify Pre-Fulfillment Details modal

2. Close the modal by clicking the "Done" button. This will trigger to the auto-sweeping to recalculate any auto-sweep items which have been added to the sales order after initial pre-fulfillment record creation.
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Option 2 - CSV Import

Using the prefulfillment CSV Upload (Import Pre-Fulfillment Records), reupload your existing prefulfilment CSV import and the auto-sweeping will be triggered for any auto-sweep items which have been added to the sales order after the initial prefulfillment record creation.