Version: eXtendOrders 2.0.0 and above
Audience: Administrator
The 'Create Lines Server-Side' button, shown below, can be enabled or disabled via workflow depending on if the functionality will be used. See Enhance performance of line item generation utilizing server-side line generation in eXtendOrders for more information on the feature.
To Enable
To enable the Create Lines Server-Side button in eXtendOrders 2.0, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Customization → Workflow → Workflows.
2. Find the suspended workflow eXtendO2 PreConfig Create LineItems[B] and make a copy of it.
3. Deploy the new version with a Release Status of Released on your Sales Order and/or Purchase Order.
To Disable
To disable the Create Lines Server-Side button in eXtendOrders 2.0, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Customization → Workflow → Workflows.
2. Find the Released workflow eXtendO2 PreConfig Create LineItems[B] (or look for a copy of it under a different name if that workflow is not released).
3. Set the workflow's Release Status to Suspended.