Version: eXtendOrders 2.1.0 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


When a user is generating line items using the "Create Lines" button in eXtendOrders, it takes a long time to populate the NetSuite item list based on the configuration added in the configurator UI.

This is heavily impacted by multiple factors, including:

  • A high number of items that need to be generated.
  • Other deployed client scripts that slow down line item generation due to their own processing.
  • Line item field sourcing.
  • The number of item column fields.
  • Field validation rules.
  • Computer and client-side web browser performance.
The next sections present an overview of methods which can be used to optimize line item generation performance in eXtendOrders.


Server-side line item generation allows the creation of item lines from saved Order Imprint Configuration (OIC) records. OIC records are created when you use the eXtendOrders Configurator UI to create a decoration order, or when you add preconfigured items to your transaction record. Server-side line generation enables the asynchronous processing of OIC records into their corresponding output line items. This can lead to improved performance for orders with a large number of OIC records or item lines, as processing is faster on the NetSuite server-side compared to the NetSuite client-side.

Using Server-Side Line Item Generation

Normal Orders

Option 1: Using the Create Lines Server-Side button

Included in eXtendOrders is the workflow "eXtendO2 PreConfig Create LineItems[B]". This workflow adds a "Create Line Server-Side" button to your eXtendOrders-configured transaction records. Note: the name of this button is customizable and may have a different name in your NetSuite environment.
Image Placeholder
We recommend NetSuite Administrators create a copy of this workflow and implement additional filters to control when the button is displayed. For more information on your configuration, please contact your NetSuite Administrator.

Once the workflow is in place, follow these steps to utilize server-side processing:
  1. Create an Estimate (Quote), Sales Order, or Purchase Order based on your use case.

  2. Add items and specify decoration details as normal using the eXtendOrders Configurator UI.

  3. When finished, click the Save Configuration button to save your decoration details as OIC lines.
    Image Placeholder

    Note: If the "Save Configuration" button is not visible on your eXtendOrders Configurator UI, contact your NetSuite Administrator to disable the "HIDE SAVE CONFIGURATION BUTTON" preference in eXtendOrders.

  4. Add a placeholder line item to the NetSuite item lines, then save your record.

  5. Click the Create Lines Server-Side button to start the OIC record to line item processing. This workflow will clear all existing item lines on your record and then add new lines based on the configured OIC lines on the record.

Option 2: Using a scheduled workflow

Instead of manually triggering the process, the "eXtendOrders Create line Items From OIC" custom workflow action script can be used in a scheduled workflow. Once the workflow is in place, follow these steps to utilize server-side processing:
  1. Create an Estimate (Quote), Sales Order, or Purchase Order based on your use case.

  2. Add items and specify decoration details as normal using the eXtendOrders Configurator UI.

  3. When finished, click the Save Configuration button to save your decoration details as OIC lines.

    Note: If the Save Configuration button is not visible on your eXtendOrders Configurator UI, please contact your NetSuite Administrator to disable the HIDE SAVE CONFIGURATION BUTTON setting.

  4. Add a placeholder line item to the NetSuite item lines, then save your record.

  5. When your scheduled workflow runs, OIC record to line item processing will begin. This workflow will clear all existing item lines on your record and add new lines based on the configured OIC lines on the record.

Option 3: Orders with Preconfigured Items

Server-side line generation can be used to build item lines based on preconfigured items' OIC records when creating decoration orders using pre-configured items.
  1. When preconfigured items are added to a transaction record, OIC lines are generated based on the decoration configuration present on the preconfigured item. You can generate item lines either by using the Create Lines Server-Side button or via scheduled workflow, as mentioned in previous sections.

Option 4: Line Generation from GLOM Data

Creating line items directly from GLOM-based data aims to reduce the time required for line item generation. With this feature, the configurator UI data will be saved in a GLOM field on the OIC record, eliminating the need to set each field value individually on the OIC record itself. This saves time during the data setting process. During line item generation, the data will be read from the GLOM field, reducing the time required to read data from each field of the OIC record. For more information on utilizing this option, please see Line Generation Using GLOM Data.