Version: eXtendOrders and above
Audience: All
On a decorated order, a repeat order, or "reorder", often has a lower setup charge or a zero-dollar setup charge. When configured, eXtendOrders can automatically set the correct setup charge by marking a sales order as a repeat order.
Configuration (Administrator)
Configure the "REPEAT ORDER" field on the eXtendOrders Setup screen at eXtendTech → eXtendOrders → Setup with field id which will be used to indicate a sales order as a repeat order. This should be a checkbox field on the sales order. Users will check this checkbox on a sales order to indicate to eXtendOrders that the order is a repeat order.
Configuration (User)
On your Item Imprint Method Configuration records, define a different setup charge item in the "IMC - REPEAT SETUP ITEM" field along with the "IMC - REPEAT SETUP COST".
Usage (User)
When entering a sales order, users will check the configured "repeat order" checkbox. Upon line item generation, the repeat setup charge will be added as line item instead of the normal "IMC - SETUP ITEM" setup charge.
Note: The placement and name of the "repeat order" field will depend on the configuration performed by your NetSuite Administrator.