Version: eXtendPresentation 1.3.8 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


This guide is designed for users who have previously added items on Presentation modal and would like to generate NetSuite line items from this data.


  1. Confirm with your NetSuite Administrator that the “Disable Creation of Line Items from Modal Items” checkbox is not checked on the Presentation Setup page.
  2. Save your eXtendPresentation record after specifying items in Presentation modal and checking the checkbox “EXTENDPRESENTATION REGENERATE LINE ITEMS”.

By default, line items will be created on the record based on the Presentation modal data and the mapping configuration for line items specified on setup. The item name and quantity pricing of the modal’s first column will be copied to the line items. This behavior can be customized by creating mappings on  the Presentation Setup page.

Important: The item description field present on the Presentation modal will not flow to the item lines. Make sure the “EXTENDPRESENTATION REGENERATE LINE ITEMS” checkbox is not hidden on your presentation form, as duplicate line items may be created upon record save. 

Presentation Modal Screenshot
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Line items created on record save 
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Note: The first time you fill in data in the Presentation modal and save your record, line items will be created automatically. However, if you modify your presentation data after saving the record, the line items won't update unless the "EXTENDPRESENTATION REGENERATE LINE ITEMS" checkbox is checked on your record.
Image Placeholder

Retaining Existing Line Items on Line Regeneration

If you wish to keep the line items you have entered when regenerating line items from Presentation modal data, ensure that your NetSuite Administrator has set the checkbox “PRESERVE NON-MODAL ITEM UPON RE-GENERATION OF LINES” as checked on the Presentation Setup page. If this box is checked, existing line items will not be removed when new line items are generated from Presentation modal data.

Generating Line Items For External Items

If you are using external items for setting them on the Presentation modal, you will need to make additional configurations in order to generate line items against the external items. For more details regarding this configuration, please refer to our guide on Configuration For External Item Constitution & Line Generation.