Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.4.20 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


With eXtendPS-DE, if your vendor supports the necessary PromoStandards endpoints for obtaining the information, decoration information can be constituted during item constitution, PromoStandards item refresh, or on a set schedule. This allows decoration information to be created or updated for your PromoStandards-connected item records.

Use Cases

  • Constituting decoration information upon item constitution.
  • Updating the decoration information of an item according to the latest information provided by the vendor.
  • Updating decoration information on a scheduled basis for items.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the mappings for decoration fields and details are properly configured on the eXtendPS-DE setup page. Refer to the eXtendPS-DE Setup Configuration Guide for more details.

Decoration Constitution

Item Constitution

If the "Constitute Decoration Details" preference is enabled in the eXtendPS-DE Setup page and the required fields are mapped, then upon item constitution, if the decoration information is received from the vendor in the Product Pricing and Configuration response, the decoration information will be constituted along with the item record.

PromoStandards Item Refresh

The "Refresh from PromoStandards" button will trigger the decoration information to be updated along with the item information.

Scheduled Update

Additional configuration is necessary for a scheduled update of item decoration details.

1. Create a Saved Search

Create a saved search to filter down to the items you want to update with decoration information.

2. Create Script Deployment 

  1. Go to the Map/Reduce script named "eXtendPS-DE Custom Integration".
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  2. Click Deploy Script to create a new script deployment.
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  3. Specify following details in the script parameters for the script deployment:
    1. eXtendPS-DE User Integration Name: refresh_deco_details
    2. eXtendPS-DE Field Mapping Integration Name: promo_deco_details
    3. eXtendPS-DE Custom Mapping Integration Search: specify the saved search ID from the saved search created in the previous section.
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  4. Set the schedule depending on your preferences and save the deployment.

Additional Notes

  • If an FOB point is not present on the item, the decoration information will not be updated for that item. However, if the "Refresh Price with First FOB if FOB On Item Not Present" preference is enabled in the eXtendPS-DE Setup page, the decoration information will be updated based on the first FOB point received in the response.