Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.7 and above
Audience: User

Use Case

  • Search for a vendor's items and constitute them in NetSuite.
  • Refresh item details with the latest data from PromoStandards.


The eXtendPS-DE bundle enables searching for a vendor's product information via PromoStandards and obtaining detailed information about it. You can use the information returned as reference information, or you can create the item in your NetSuite account using the PromoStandards information. You can view a video demo of the feature here.

Constituting Items

  1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-DE → Item Search.

  2. Select the appropriate Vendor in the dropdown, and enter the Vendor Item ID to search for and click Submit.

  3. The resulting page will display detailed information about the item as per the available PromoStandards services for the vendor. The more PromoStandards services offered by the vendor and configured in eXtendPS-DE, the more information which will be available.
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  4. By clicking through the subtabs, you can view information about an item, decoration, pricing, item parts, related products. Note: data availability is dependent on the PromoStandards services offered by your Vendor.

    The list of PromoStandards services endpoints which are required for viewing all information are the Product Data, Product Pricing and Configuration, Live Inventory, and Media Content services.

  5. To create items in your NetSuite account, select the attributes (item categories, colors, sizes, etc.) and click Constitute Item.
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    Note: If you do not select color(s), size(s), or both, upon submission the item will be constituted in all available colors, all available sizes.

    After submitting the item for creation, a status message will be displayed, and an email will be sent to you after the items have been created in NetSuite.

The email will inform you whether the items were created successfully, with links to the items, or if an error has occurred.
  • You may receive multiple emails depending upon the constituted item count and the email configurations performed by your NetSuite Administrator.
  • During item constitution, if the item color name exceeds 15 characters, then only the first 15 characters will be used as its color abbreviation.
  • In the case of duplicate abbreviations during item constitution, an error for the duplicate color abbreviation will be returned. In this case you will need to manually change the abbreviations for the duplicate colors. You can change it by navigating to the custom list “PromoStd Product Color”.
  • In the case of Matrix Item constitution, the item name of the items will be as per the matrix item name template defined on the eXtendPS-DE Setup page. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information on the configuration within your account.
  • If the size or color attribute is not present on the constituted item, that attribute will not be included in the name of the item.

    Example: If the matrix item name template name is {itemid}_{custitem_extend_promo_color}_{custitem_extend_promo_size}, but you constitute a non-apparel item which doesn't use the size attribute, the matrix name template would be set as: {itemid}_{custitem_extend_promo_color}

  • On the constituted item, the vendor's purchase price will be set as per the PromoStandards Product Pricing and Configuration response.
  • If the “Set vendor as preferred vendor on items” field is enabled on the eXtendPS-DE Setup screen, the selected vendor will be marked as the preferred vendor on the constituted item.
  • If the item you are creating has the same style as an existing item in your account but with a different vendor, you will receive an error message. To avoid this issue, you can make the item unique by appending a suffix or prefix to the existing item name.
  • For accounts with the Multiple Currencies feature enabled, purchase prices will be set for the currencies that are enabled on the vendor for the vendors sublist but, the body level purchase price  field will be set only in the base currency for the vendor. Please see What currency will be used during eXtendPS-DE Item Constitution for more information.
After the item is created, you will be able to view and use the item in transactions. Information on the item will be available (including images) for review. A link for the inventory information for that item will also be available on the item record under PromoStandards subtab. If this link is not visible on your item record, make sure that the “PromoStandards DE Inventory URL” item field is marked visible on your item form. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information on the placement of this field.

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    1. The vendor must be configured with the eXtendPS-DE Media Content Service for item images to be added to your item record. Item images will not appear instantly since they are constituted using a Map/Reduce script for the Media Content Service which will trigger after execution of the item constitution process.
    2. If the vendor for the item you are constituting is selected under the “Net Pricing Vendors” field on the eXtendPS-DE Setup screen, then the pricing for the constituted item will be “Net Price”. Normally "Customer" price is used while constituting items. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information on the configuration used within your account.

Refresh NetSuite Item Information through eXtendPS–DE

Refreshing eXtendPS-DE Item Information & Pricing (From Item Record)

From time to time, it may be necessary to update a NetSuite item with more current information about the item or its pricing.

To refresh an item:
  1. Go to the item you want to refresh.
  2. If you want to refresh the item’s attributes and pricing information, click the Refresh from PromoStandards button. The sell prices and item name will not refresh during this event if the “Refresh Sales Price on Existing Item” and “Refresh Item Name of Existing Item” checkboxes are not enabled in your eXtendPS-DE Setup settings. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information on your configuration.

    If you want to refresh only pricing information, click the Refresh PromoStandards Pricing button. The sell pricing will not be refreshed if the “Refresh Sales Price on Existing Item” checkbox is enabled in the eXtendPS-DE Setup settings.

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  • These buttons will only appear if the “SHOW REFRESH FROM PROMOSTANDARDS BUTTON ON ITEMS” and “SHOW REFRESH PROMOSTANDARDS PRICING BUTTON ON ITEMS” checkboxes are enabled in the eXtendPS-DE Setup settings.
  • The “Refresh PromoStandards Pricing” will only appear if the PromoStandards Product Pricing and Configuration service is configured for the selected vendor.
  • If the FOB ID is not present on your item record, the very first FOB point received in the Pricing & Configuration response will be used for updating the pricing of your item. The fields eXtendPS-DE Product -FOB ID and eXtendPS-DE Product -FOB Value can be used to know which FOB ID the pricing was returned from.

eXtendPS-DE Item Pricing Bulk Refresh

The eXtendPS-DE Pricing Update Workflow[B] workflow is provided along with eXtendPS-DE to update item prices from a vendor’s PromoStandards response on scheduled basis.

This workflow can be configured to update the purchase price based on the price configuration types Net, Customer, or List, stored in any item field on the item record, or the price configuration type can be hardcoded based on your requirements. By default, this workflow will consider the price type as “Customer”.

See Automatically update Item Purchase Price PromoStandards Feed for more information on configuration of this workflow.

Refreshing Purchase Price of eXtendASI-Constituted Items through eXtendPS-DE

If the eXtendASI bundle is installed in your account and you have items which are constituted in your account using the eXtendASI bundle, then those items' purchase prices can be refreshed using eXtendPS-DE.

On ASI item records the “Refresh PromoStandards Pricing” button will appear. When clicking this button, the purchase price of item will be refreshed from the PromoStandards Pricing and Configuration service.

The item-matching techniques used by eXtendPS-DE to search for the ASI items are:

  1. On the item there is a field for the ASI product number (custitem_extend_asi_product_num).
  2. The code tries to get the PS-DE products based on the value from #1 using the PromoStandards Product Data service.
  3. If it successfully gets product data, then it tries to get particular part based on ASI color and ASI size.
  4. After getting the particular part, it tries to get pricing information from the PromoStandards Product Pricing and Configuration service.


  • The button will NOT be visible if the Product Pricing and Configuration and Product Data endpoints are not configured for the vendor.
  • It will always use the first FOB Point available in Product Pricing and Configuration response as FOB points are not available on ASI items.
  • If the purchase price received from PromoStandards pricing response is zero, then it will not be updated on the existing item record.

Production Pricing and Configuration Data Caching

When items are constituted or their prices are refreshed using the “Refresh PromoStandards Pricing” button, the Pricing and Configuration data will be saved in the EXTENDPS-DE P&C GLOM {custitem_extend_promo_pnc_glom} item field.

Initially, a decorated pricing request will be sent, but if there is an error it will fall back to a blank pricing request.

Quick Links

Upon item constitution, part-based search links will be populated on the constituted item records. This allows you to perform quick searches for viewing the item information directly from the item record.

These links will be visible as per the custom form configurations performed by your NetSuite Administrator.

The following fields are available as quick links:

  1. Item Details
    eXtendPS-DE View Item Details {custitem_extend_promo_view_item_detail}

  2. Inventory Search
    eXtendPS-DE Inventory URL {custitem_promostandards_de_inv_url}