Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.4 and above
Audience: User


eXtendPS-DE allows searching for a specific product for a Supplier / Vendor to get detailed information about that product. You can view a video demo of the feature here.


  1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-DE → Item Search.
  2. Select the appropriate vendor in the dropdown, enter the vendor item ID, and click Submit.
  3. The resulting page will display detailed information about the item as per the available PromoStandards services for the vendor.
  4. By clicking through the subtabs, you can view information about an item, decoration, pricing, item parts, related products. Note: data availability is dependent on the PromoStandards services offered by your vendor.

Additional Notes

The list of PromoStandards service endpoints which are required for viewing all information are the Product Data, Product Pricing and Configuration, Live Inventory, and Media Content services.

Product Data Service

For viewing item details and related product information.Image Placeholder

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Product Pricing and Configuration Service

For viewing decoration and pricing information.Image Placeholder

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Note: If the base currency specified in your eXtendPS-DE settings is supported by the vendor, then it will be preselected in the currency field.

Note: If pricing endpoints are not configured on the associated vendor record, a message to configuring them will appear in the Deco Detail and Pricing subtabs as shown below.
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Live Inventory Service

For viewing inventory information for a product's parts.
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Hover over the Location field to view the warehouse address.
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Hover over the Stock field to view future stock for the item.
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Media Content Service

For viewing images for the item.

Note: Images will render throughout eXtendPS-DE, such as in the item search, if the media service is configured and returning results for a vendor's item.
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Item Constitution

You can constitute items from the item search page by clicking the Constitute Item button.

Details regarding the item constitution feature can be found in eXtendPS-DE Item Constitution.
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Note: If the product's apparel size value is received as "custom" from the vendor, the custom size will be shown in the size fields on item the detail screen.