Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.7


  • Added support for Product data 2.0 with this now you can 
    • Return blank items list prices in the response
    • Return Primary image URL in the response
    • Return items' possible decorations in the response. Learn More.
    • Return FOB Point Array in the response. Lean More.
    • New bundled fields added with this service other than the ones related to the above:
      • Compliance Info Available
      • UNSPC Commodity Code
  • Added support for the Invoice 1.0.0* service
    • New bundled fields added with this service:
      • Purchase Order Version, Payment Terms, Fob Id, Payment Terms, Payment Due Date
      • Invoice Document URL
      • Shipping, Handling, Tax and Due Amounts
  • Added support for logging real time errors in the Purchase Order service to allow visibility of errors within NetSuite. Learn More on Error Administration for the Purchase Order Service.
  • Added support for mapping the Transaction Currency in the Invoice 0.0.1 and Invoice 1.0.0 services for NetSuite multi-currency accounts.
    • By default, this will be mapped to the current subsidiary's Base Currency for NetSuite OneWorld accounts.
    • By default, this will be mapped to the NetSuite account's Base Currency for Non-NetSuite OneWorld accounts. 
    • NOTE: If you wish to return results in the transaction's currency or in a customer's primary currency that is supported with appropriate setup and search configurations.

  • Avoid returning the Custom Product Message which was being returned in some cases as it is not part of the Invoice 0.0.1 service.
  • Added a setup option to avoid adding tax fields in the Invoice search as it sometimes avoids showing the search results.
  • Handled Invoice service SOAP fault bug for accounts with the Unit of Measure feature disabled.
  • Made Media service errors in certain cases as standard error message over SOAP fault
    • Invalid Media Type
    • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""  xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="">
              <GetMediaContentResponse xmlns="">
                  <errorMessage xmlns="">
                      <description>Not Supported: [Media Type is invalid]</description>
    • Incorrect version
    • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""  xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="">
              <GetMediaContentResponse xmlns="">
                  <errorMessage xmlns="">
                      <description>Not Supported: [UnsupportedVersion]</description>
    • Required field (user id) is missing in request
    • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""  xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="">
              <GetMediaContentResponse xmlns="">
                  <errorMessage xmlns="">
                      <description>The following field(s) are required [id]</description>
  • Made login credentials errors as per standard Promostandard error messages over SOAP faults in following services
    • Product Data 1.0.0 & 2.0.0
    • Live Inventory 1.2.1 & 2.0.0
    • Media Content 1.1.0
    • Invoice Invoice 0.0.1 & 1.0.0
    • Purchase Order 1.0.0
    • Pricing and Configuration 1.0.0
    • Order Shipment Notification 1.0.0
    • Sample Error
      • <GetFilterValuesReply xmlns="">
            <errorMessage>105: Authentication Credentials failed</errorMessage>

* the Invoice 1.0.0 service is not yet released by Promostandards and is subject to change until official release.