Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator


This article provides tips on monitoring and administering the Purchase Order service in eXtendPS-SE. It covers viewing created orders, inspecting JSON input, and troubleshooting errors.


1. Viewing Orders Created through eXtendPS-SE

Use the saved search from Create Saved Searches for Visibility / Auditing to view orders created through eXtendPS-SE.

2. Viewing JSON Input of an Incoming Order

To view the JSON input of an incoming order:

  1. Navigate to the eXtendPS-SE subtab on your Purchase Order service-generated sales order.
  2. Click Edit for the first row in eXtendPS-SE PO Logs.

  3. Copy the data from the Message field.

  4. Use a tool like online JSON viewer to analyze the data.

3. Viewing Errors for Failed Sales Order Generation

If a sales order could not be generated due to an error:

  1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-SE → User Action Queue.
  2. Look for the error in the eXtendPS-SE API Response field.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Why is there no data in the eXtendPS-SE API Response field?
A: If you see no data in this field, it could mean that the order is currently being processed.