Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator


eXtendPS-SE supports capturing Customer Purchase Orders from the PromoStandards Purchase Order API. This delivery outlines the details of this service.

Sales Orders are created asynchronously for performance considerations. i.e. the API response would not contain the internal id of the order which was generated.

We recommend creating Sales Orders in the Sales Order : Pending Approval stage, which is configurable from the eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order Setup Screen at eXtendTech > eXtendPS-SE > Purchase Order Setup.

You can see the Customer’s input data in JSON format and compare it with the resulting Sales Order within NetSuite to ensure the order is entered with all essential information mapped as expected. To view the JSON input we recommend that you use an online JSON Viewer tool for easier analysis of the data. The details on where data would be logged are covered below in the following sections.

NOTE: Two Sales Orders with the same Order Number cannot be created for same customer. Different customer can have same order number. The Order Number field is configurable from eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order Setup. We recommend using PO#/{otherrefnum} as the Order Number field.