Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.2 and above
Audience: Administrator
The eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order service allows you to configure field mappings for incoming web service data to create sales orders in NetSuite. This guide explains the setup process and available configuration options.
To access the Purchase Order Setup screen navigate to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-SE → Purchase Order Setup.
Default Field Values
- SO Status - Set the default sales order status (recommended: Pending Approval)
- Custom Form # - Specify the Internal ID of the sales order form to be used to minimize validation errors due to mandatory fields and improve reporting
Order Body Fields Mapping
Configure how incoming PromoStandards purchase order service data maps to your sales order fields:
- Order Number* - Maps to customer PO number (recommended: otherrefnum)
- Ship Address - Maps to shipping address (recommended: shipaddress)
- Sales Channel - bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_sales_channel
- Order Type - Defines order type (recommended: custbody_extend_ps_se_order_type)
- Blank - For blank goods
- Sample - For random sample orders
- Simple - Manual processing required
- Configured - Electronic processing with supplier data
- Blank - For blank goods
- Terms & Conditions - bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_terms_cnditn
- Is Rush Order - bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_is_order_rush
- Allow Consolidation - bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_terms_cnditn
- Blind Shipping - bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_blind_ship
- Packing List Required - bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_pack_list_rquire
- Digital Proof Required - custbody_extend_ps_se_dig_proof_requir
- Digital Proof Address Glom
Line Item Field Mapping
Configure item level field mappings:
- Item Search Fields - Fields for partId and chargeName matching (e.g., feedname, itemid)
- Description Fields - We recommend using a custom transaction column field to store this. Configure mappings for:
- Blank Item Description
- Deco Charge Item Description
- Order Charge Item Description
- Blank Item Description
- Line Group Index - For storing configuration data across multiple lines. Bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_line_group
- Shipping Fields - Configure:
- Allow Partial Shipments - bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_partil_shpmnt
- Requested In Hands - bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_rqst_handl_date
- Requested Ship Date - bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_rqst_ship_date
- Allow Partial Shipments - bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_partil_shpmnt
- Distributor Unit - Stores the Distributor's expected unit price. Bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_distributr_unit
- Imprint Colors
- Program - Stores program pricing information. Bundled field custcol_extend_ps_se_program
Currency Field Mapping
- Currency Code - Currency to be used. This is mapped from the Product Pricing and Configuration Setup page at eXtendTech → eXtendPS-SE → P&C Setup.
Imprint Method Configuration (IMC) Field Mapping
Configure decoration detail mappings:
- Record Types - Specify IMC and IMC Group record types
- Field Mappings - Configure:
- Imprint Location field
- Decoration Name field
- IMC Group field
- Item level IMC group reference field
- Imprint Location field
Additional Settings
- SO Workflow ID - Make a copy of the built-in eXtendPS-SE Async Api Processing[B] workflow and schedule its execution based on your preference.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How are prices handled?
A: Distributor-supplied prices are captured, but eXtendPS-SE uses NetSuite native pricing rules for the price. Price mismatches can be monitored through custom workflows.
Q: What happens if no sales price is defined?
A: If there is no sales price defined on the Item, the item price will be set at $0.00 on the sales order line item.