Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.2 and above
Audience: Administrator

eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order Setup

To access the Purchase Order Setup Screen navigate to eXtendTech > eXtendPS-SE > Purchase Order Setup

The details of the fields have been described below. The most important part of the setup is field mappings (i.e. how you want to capture the data from incoming Web Service). For some fields, we provide bundled fields which you may or may not use.

  1. Populate the fields in the Default Field Values section as follows:
    1. SO Status – The Default Sales Order Status to be set on the generated Sales Order. We recommend setting incoming order as Pending Approval.
    2. Custom Form # - The Internal ID of the Custom Sales Order Form to be set on the Sales Order. Using a separate Custom Form would ensure orders can be captured with minimal validations (mandatory fields, etc.) to avoid entry errors. A separate Custom Form also offers some reporting advantages for isolating orders sourcing from the Web Service.
  2. Populate the fields of the Order Body Mappings section as follows:
    1. Order Number* – The Field on the Sales Order record which will contain the Customer Purchase Order Number. The recommended value is otherrefnum.
    2. Ship Address – The Field on the Sales Order record which will contain the Ship Address for the order. The recommended value is shipaddress.
    3. Sales Channel – The Field on the Sales Order record which will contain the Sales Channel. You can use the bundled field custbody_extend_ps_se_sales_channel.
    4. Order type – The Field on the Sales Order which will contain the type of data transferred. The values could be:
      1. Blank”—This is data is for blank goods.
      2. Sample”—This data is for random sample order.
      3. Simple”—The data in the purchase order is sent over without supplier configured data and will be processed manually.
      4. Configured”—The data is sent over in conjunction with the supplier’s Product Pricing and Configuration web service and is designed for electronic processing of the purchase order.
      5. You can use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_order_type to capture this information.
    5. Terms & Conditions – The Field on the Sales Order which will contain the Terms & Conditions for the Purchase Order as received in the Response. You may use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_terms_cnditn.
    6. Is Rush Order – Field on the Sales Order which determines if the Purchase Order received is a rush order or not. You may use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_is_order_rush.
    7. Allow Consolidation – Field on the Sales Order which will determine whether Consolidated Shipments for the received Purchase Order is allowed or not. You may use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_allow_consolid.
    8. Blind Shipping – Field on the Sales Order which will determine whether Blind Shipping is required or not for the Purchase Order. You may use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_blind_ship.
    9. Packing List Required – Field on the Sales Order which will determine whether a Packing List is required or not for the received Purchase Order. You may use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_pack_list_rquire.
    10. Digital Proof Required – Field on the Sales Order which will determine whether a Digital Proof is required or not for the received Purchase Order. You may use the bundle field custbody_extend_ps_se_dig_proof_requir.
    11. Digital Proof Addresses GLOM – Field on the Sales Order which will store the email addresses for the digital proof.

  3. Populate the fields in the Line Item Field Mapping section as follows:
    1. Item Search Fields – Fields that will be queried for the partId and chargeName to find the corresponding NetSuite Item for the Sales Order lines. You can specify multiple fieldIds separated by commas or just specify a single fieldId. A typical value for this field would be feedname or itemid.
    2. Blank Item Description – A Blank Item Description field in NetSuite. We recommend you capture this in a Custom Line Item field instead of using the standard description field.
    3. Deco Charge Item Description – Deco Charge Item Description field on the transaction line.
    4. Order Charge Item Description – Order Charge Item Description field on transaction line.
    5. Line Group Index – Sales Order column field to store the Line Group Index. This field value will act as an identifier that allows configuration data to be spread out among multiple Sales Orders line as per the received Purchase Order data. If you use eXtendOrders you may be familiar with a similar term: Cluster Index. You may use a bundle field custcol_extend_ps_se_line_group.
    6. Allow Partial Shipment – Sales Order column field which determines whether Partial Shipment of this line item is allowed. You may use the bundle field custcol_extend_ps_se_partil_shpmnt.
    7. Requested in Hands – Sales Order column date field which will store the date by which this line item should arrive at its shipping destination. You may use the bundle field custcol_extend_ps_se_rqst_handl_date.
    8. Requested Ship Date – Sales Order column date field which will store the date by which this line item should ship from its FOB Point. You may use the bundle field custcol_extend_ps_se_rqst_ship_date
    9. Distributor Unit – Sales Order column currency field which will store the distributor’s Unit Price. You may use the bundle field custcol_extend_ps_se_distributr_unit
    10. Imprint Colors – Sales Order column field which will store the Imprinting Colors.
    11. Program – Sales Order column field which will store Program pricing information as received from the Purchase Order data. You may use the bundle field custcol_extend_ps_se_program.

    12. Some of the body level fields added for the Purchase Order Service have been added under the eXtendPS-SE Subtab within eXtendPS-SE Info.
  4. Complete the IMC Field Mappings subtab to capture decoration details:

    1. IMC Record type – Enter the id of the IMC custom record which has the details of imprint method/location for a given item.
    2. IMC Group Record Type – Specify the record type for IMC Group record which groups together the set of IMC/decorations that are applicable on an item.
    3. Decoration Name field – Specify the id of the field which stores the imprint method/decoration name on IMC record type.
    4. IMC Group field Specify the id of the field which stores the imprint group field id.
    5. IMC Group field on Item: Specify the id of the field on the item which stores the IMC Group reference (Note: this field must be an item field)

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  5. Additional Settings - 
    1. SO Workflow ID - A workflow eXtendPS-SE Async Api Processing[B] is provided along with bundle which process the PO request for generating Sales Order record. We recommend you to clone this workflow and specify the internal ID of the cloned workflow under this field. Make sure to suspend the bundle workflow if it is not suspended.

At the Line Item level, we capture the Distributor-Supplied prices, but the Sale Price set on lines items is sourced using NetSuite native pricing rules. You can review and compare the prices or a Workflow can be written to email an alert if there is a price mismatch.

NOTE: If there is no Sales Price defined on the Item then the item price will be set at $0.00 on the Sales Order line item.