Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator


This article guides you through configuring the sales order custom form to show information related to the eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order service for improved data visibility.


Configuring eXtendPS-SE Subtab

To ensure data visibility of the Purchase Order service, follow these configuration steps for the sales order custom form.

  1. Locate the eXtendPS-SE subtab on the sales order custom form.
  2. Configure the subtab to display data captured through the Purchase Order service.
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  3. Ensure that all previously mapped fields are visible either in this subtab or elsewhere on the form, depending on your current form layout.

Setting Up Integration Logs

  1. Within the eXtendPS-SE subtab, configure the eXtendPS-SE Integration logs sublist view.
    Image Placeholder
  2. This section will display the JSON of incoming data from the web service, providing insights for troubleshooting and monitoring