Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator

Decorated Sales Order Configuration

A Decorated Purchase Order would have Setup, Run and other charge lines added to it. In certain cases, a distributor may not pass the correct information for Setup/Run/Other charge quantity etc.. We would still create the Sales Order and you can review the input information or communicate with the distributor and get the order information entered correctly. 

If you have opted for Managed Configuration, eXtendTech will provide sample request XMLs, Sales Order and their JSON data. 

NOTE: Any of the available data in the PromoStandards JSON response can be mapped to any NetSuite field depending on your requirements.

1. How are Deco and Configuration Lines Generated?

Deco line items are generated based on the IMC Group and IMCs attached to your Blank Items or its parent item. Below is the sequence in which IMC records will be considered for generating deco lines:
  1. If IMC record is directly linked on item record then it will be considered first.
  2. If IMC record is not directly linked on item but IMC Group is linked on item record then the deco lines will be generated based on linked IMC group.
  3. If IMC record or IMC Group is not directly linked to the item record then we will search for IMC record details on its parent item.
  4. If IMC record is directly linked on the parent item then it will be considered.
  5. If IMC record is not linked on the parent item but IMC Group is linked on the parent item then the deco lines will be generated based on the linked IMC Group.

NOTE: If there are multiple blank items in the same group it must belong to the same IMC Group otherwise deco line items will NOT be generated.  

Order-level charges are referred to as IMCs on the item.  Quantity values for these charge/configuration line items are set as it is received from the distributor-supplied quantity values. 

Below is sub-section of a JSON snippet that shows the imprint charges in the incoming payload:

"ChargeArray": [
"chargeName": "SCRN",
"description": "Setup Charge",
"extendedPrice": 100,
"unitPrice": 1,
"chargeId": 3699,
"chargeType": "Setup",
"Quantity": {
"uom": "EA",
"value": 3
"chargeName": "Paper Proof",
"description": "Order Charge",
"extendedPrice": 100,
"unitPrice": 1,
"chargeId": 4606,
"chargeType": "Order",
"Quantity": {
"uom": "EA",
"value": 4

NOTE: We use both chargeName to match with item’s name and use the chargeId to match item’s internalid. If either is matched, we pick the specific charge as a line item on the Sales Order. 

NOTE: We highly recommend that you to do a manual review of Sales Orders before finalization to ensure the correct line items are generated, and prices/quantity are as per expectations.

2. How is the Imprint Summary generated?

In each group on the Setup Line we generate a summary of imprint information in the line item field EXTENDPS-SE CLUSTER INFO

Cluster #: 1
Location #: 1
Imprint Location: 1 Side
Imprint Method: Digital
Color #: 2
Deco #: 1
Type: Setup 

Cluster # denotes the configuration or group index.
Location #: denotes the total number of imprint location in this group.
Color # Denotes the total # of colors in the request.
Deco #: denotes the index of decoration in the DecorationArray object.
Type: Denotes whether it is Setup or Run line item charge.