Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.7 and above
Audience: Administrator

The Order Status Service needs to be configured before it can be made available to distributors. This configuration involves mapping fields from the NetSuite Purchase Order or Sales Order object to their corresponding fields in the PromoStandards Order Status API response.

To configure the Order Status service, go to eXtendTech →  eXtendPS-SE → Order Status Setup.Image Placeholder

General Setup Section

  1. Saved Search ID For PO/SO
    This saved search will filter the Purchase Order or Sales Order records whose information will be shared for the Purchase Order/Sales Order reference-based order status search. The default saved search that is included with the bundle is customsearch_extend_promo_api_search_so. You can copy this saved search and add/append criteria to this saved search as per your requirements.

  2. Saved Search ID for TIMESTAMP/ALL-OPEN
    This saved search will filter Purchase Order or Sales Order records whose information will be shared for TIMESTAMP/ALL-OPEN order-based order status search. The default saved search that is included with the bundle is customsearch_extend_promo_api_search. You can copy this saved search and add/append the criteria to this saved search as per your requirements.

  3. Validate Response
    Determines whether to validate field data types before returning the response or not.

WSDL Field Mapping Section:

  1. Factory Order Number*
    Purchase Order or Sales Order number field in NetSuite. The recommended field is {tranid}.

    This field's value is mandatory in order to generate an Order Status response. Otherwise, the service will return an error.

  2. Ship Date
    Shipment date field in NetSuite. The recommended field is {shipdate}.

  3. Expected Delivery Date
    Expected delivery date field in NetSuite.

  4. Response Required
    Checkbox field in NetSuite that determines if it is necessary to provide information back to the supplier to complete the order.

  5. Purchase Order ID*
    Purchase order number field in NetSuite. The recommended field is {otherrefnum}.

    If no value is present in this field during a search for order status using a Sales Order number or timestamp, the response will be based on the Sales Order number, and a "Not Specified" value will be shown for the Purchase Order number in the response. (This feature is supported in version 1.3.8 and above.)

  6. Sales Order ID
    Sales Order number field in NetSuite. The recommended field is {tranid}.

  7. Sales Order’s Entity record type ID
    The internal id of the entity on the Sales Order in NetSuite. The recommended field is {salesrep}.

    Note: The Sales Order entity’s contact information will be sent in the API response (e.g. E-Mail and Phone). Please see Configure Hardcoded or Customized Elements in the eXtendPS-SE Order Status Response for more details on configuration options for this field.

  8. Sales Order’s Entity Name Field ID
    Entity field id which will be used for showing the entity’s name in the response. The recommended field is {entity}.

  9. Additional Explanation
    Field id in NetSuite that contains any additional information you want to be included in the API response.
Click Save to submit your modifications.