Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator, Developer
Applicable to: Live Inventory 1.2.1, Live Inventory 2.0.0

Live Inventory Configuration

See Configure eXtendPS-SE Live Inventory Service Response for detailed instructions on initial configuration of the Live Inventory sevice.

getInventoryLevels Response (with filtered values)

In the getInventoryLevels response, you have the ability to filter the results based on the color, size, and partId, following the PromoStandards specifications. The example request below is created for the product number "snm-82800L", and in the filter section, you can provide product colors, sizes, and partIds. The result will include the product parts that match the combination of these specified filters.

Live Inventory 2.0.0 Request Example

<Envelope xmlns="">
        <GetInventoryLevelsRequest xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
            <wsVersion >2.0.0</wsVersion><id >Arpit</id><password >extend101</password>
            <productId >snm-82800L</productId>
            <Filter ><partIdArray >
                <partId>snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Navy</partId><partId>snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Sapphire</partId><partId>snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Red</partId></partIdArray>
                <LabelSizeArray ><labelSize>M</labelSize><labelSize>L</labelSize></LabelSizeArray>
                <PartColorArray ><partColor>Red</partColor><partColor>Sapphire</partColor></PartColorArray>

Live Inventory 2.0.0 Response Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""  xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="">
            <Inventory xmlns="">
                        <partId>snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Sapphire</partId>
                        <attributeSelection>Material: snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Sapphire</attributeSelection>
                        <partId>snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Red</partId>
                        <attributeSelection>Material: snm-82800L : 82800L- L-Red</attributeSelection>

  1. Filters are not applied to items of the Kit/Package item type.
  2. The partIdArray will return a result if at least one filter in the results is matched.
  3. The partIdArray filter uses the "contains" condition, not an exact match.
  4. The partIdArray filter value is only supported by Live Inventory version 2.0.0.