Inventory Options Configuration

The "PartID", "Color Attributes", and "Size Attributes" field references will be used when creating responses for the getFilterValues request and getInventoryLevels request of the PromoStandards Live Inventory Service. In the getInventoryLevel response, an additional attribute called "attributeSelection" will be included. This attribute is used to display item options other than size and color, and it can be configured in the "Non-Color-Size Attributes" field.
Starting from version and above, the actual size values will be returned for sizes based on the size mapping to PromoStandards' defined sizes list. This mapping can be performed in the eXtendTech → eXtendPS-SE → Product Data Setup. Please note that unmapped sizes will not be included in the response.

getFilterValues Response
Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Parent Item
Consider that you have a matrix item with the code "snm-054X". This item could be either an inventory or non-inventory type. The child items of this matrix item have combinations of colors: "Blue" and "Green", and sizes: "L" and "S". Therefore, there are four child items in total:
- 054X-Blue-S
- 054X-Blue-L
- 054X-Green-S
- 054X-Green-L
In the response from the getFilterValues() function, you will receive the above-mentioned item names in the "partIdArray" array object. The parent name and colors ("Blue" and "Green") will be listed in the "partColorArray" array object, and the sizes ("L" and "S") will be listed in the "LabelSizeArray" array object. A sample response to this scenario is shown below (Live Inventory 2.0.0).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1=""><soap:Body><GetFilterValuesResponse xmlns=""><FilterValues><productId xmlns="">snm-054X</productId><Filter xmlns=""><partIdArray><partId>snm-054X : 054X-Blue-L</partId><partId>snm-054X : 054X-Blue-S</partId><partId>snm-054X : 054X-Green-L</partId><partId>snm-054X : 054X-Green-S</partId></partIdArray><LabelSizeArray><LabelSize>L</LabelSize><LabelSize>S</LabelSize></LabelSizeArray><PartColorArray><PartColor>Blue</PartColor><PartColor>Green</PartColor></PartColorArray></Filter></FilterValues></GetFilterValuesResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1=""> <soap:Body> <GetFilterValuesResponse xmlns=""> <FilterValues> <productId xmlns="">snm-054X</productId> <Filter xmlns=""> <partIdArray> <partId>snm-054X : 054X-Blue-L</partId> </partIdArray> <LabelSizeArray> <LabelSize>L</LabelSize> </LabelSizeArray> <PartColorArray> <PartColor>Blue</PartColor> </PartColorArray> </Filter> </FilterValues> </GetFilterValuesResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Inventory/Non-Inventory Parent Item
Inventory/Non-Inventory Child Item
Inventory/Non-Inventory Item
Assembly Matrix Parent Item
". However, if the preference is not enabled, the Assembly components will be included as item parts in the response.
Assembly Matrix Child Item
Assembly Item
Kit/Package Item
- The partIdArray response is supported in Inventory 2.0.0.
- Non-standard sizes, such as 9XL, will not be returned in response. eXtendPS-SE Version and above.