Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator

Inventory Options Configuration

To configure inventory options for the PromoStandards Live Inventory service in your NetSuite account, first go to eXtendTech -> eXtendPS-SE -> Inventory Setup. 

In the "WSDL Field Mapping" field group, specify the field IDs for the "Color Attributes", "Size Attributes", and "Non-Color-Size Attributes" which are to be used as filters.
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You can specify one or multiple field IDs (separated by ",") in these fields. In the case of multiple field IDs being specified, the first not empty/null value will be used when creating the live inventory response.
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Additionally, a partID field value needs to be provided.
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Note:  No functional or hardcoded values can be provided for these fields. They must be NetSuite field ID references.

The "PartID", "Color Attributes", and "Size Attributes" field references will be used when creating responses for the getFilterValues request and getInventoryLevels request of the PromoStandards Live Inventory Service. In the getInventoryLevel response, an additional attribute called "attributeSelection" will be included. This attribute is used to display item options other than size and color, and it can be configured in the "Non-Color-Size Attributes" field.

Starting from version and above, the actual size values will be returned for sizes based on the size mapping to PromoStandards' defined sizes list. This mapping can be performed in the eXtendTech → eXtendPS-SE → Product Data Setup. Please note that unmapped sizes will not be included in the response.

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getFilterValues Response

Details are belowregarding response creation based on different item types for the getFilterValues request:

Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Parent Item 

Consider that you have a matrix item with the code "snm-054X". This item could be either an inventory or non-inventory type. The child items of this matrix item have combinations of colors: "Blue" and "Green", and sizes: "L" and "S". Therefore, there are four child items in total:

  1. 054X-Blue-S
  2. 054X-Blue-L
  3. 054X-Green-S
  4. 054X-Green-L

In the response from the getFilterValues() function, you will receive the above-mentioned item names in the "partIdArray" array object. The parent name and colors ("Blue" and "Green") will be listed in the "partColorArray" array object, and the sizes ("L" and "S") will be listed in the "LabelSizeArray" array object. A sample response to this scenario is shown below (Live Inventory 2.0.0).

        <GetFilterValuesResponse xmlns="">
                <productId xmlns="">snm-054X</productId>
                <Filter xmlns="">
                        <partId>snm-054X : 054X-Blue-L</partId>
                        <partId>snm-054X : 054X-Blue-S</partId>
                        <partId>snm-054X : 054X-Green-L</partId>
                        <partId>snm-054X : 054X-Green-S</partId>

Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item

If you search for an inventory/non-inventory matrix child item, you will only get one element under "partIdArray", "LabelSizeArray", and "PartColorArray" because there are no further child items for your matrix sub-item. In this example, if you search for the child item "054X-Blue-L", you will get "054X-Blue-L" as the "partIDArray" element, "L" as the "LabelSizeArray" element, and "Blue" as the "PartColorArray" element. A sample response to this scenario is shown below (Live Inventory 2.0.0).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""  xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="">
        <GetFilterValuesResponse xmlns="">
                <productId xmlns="">snm-054X</productId>
                <Filter xmlns="">
                        <partId>snm-054X : 054X-Blue-L</partId>

Inventory/Non-Inventory Parent Item

Not supported. The response will only provide details of the parent items, including their names under partIdArray, and their colors and sizes under partColorArray and partSizeArray respectively. However, it will not include information about the child items. The response will be similar to the example mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item", but the item ID will not reference its parent, as this item does not have a parent item.

Inventory/Non-Inventory Child Item

The response will include only the details of the item options. This includes the name of the item (found under partIdArray), its parent item name, and its color and size (found under partColorArray and partSizeArray respectively). The format of the response will be similar to the XML example mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item".

Inventory/Non-Inventory Item

In the response, you will receive only the details of the item options. This includes the item's name, its parent item name, and its color and size. The item ID in the response will not reference its parent because this item does not have a parent item associated with it. The response will be similar to the XML example mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item".

Assembly Matrix Parent Item

If the "Suppress Assembly Components" preference is enabled, the response will be similar to the response mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Parent Item 

". However, if the preference is not enabled, the Assembly components will be included as item parts in the response.

Assembly Matrix Child Item

If the "Suppress Assembly Components" preference is enabled, the response will be similar to the response mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item". However, if this preference is not enabled, the Assembly components will be sent as item parts in the response.

Assembly Item

If the "Suppress Assembly Components" preference is enabled, the response will be similar to the response mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item". However, if this preference is not enabled, the Assembly components will be sent as item parts in the response.

Kit/Package Item

If the "Suppress Kit Components" preference is enabled, the response will be similar to the response mentioned in "Inventory/Non-Inventory Matrix Child Item". However, if this preference is not enabled, the Kit components will be sent as item parts in the response.


  • The partIdArray response is supported in Inventory 2.0.0.
  • Non-standard sizes, such as 9XL, will not be returned in response. eXtendPS-SE Version and above.