Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator
Applicable to: Live Inventory 2.0.0
The Replenishment Lead Time field can be configured in the eXtendPS-SE Inventory Setup by navigating to eXtendTech -> eXtendPS-SE -> Inventory Setup.

The NetSuite item field specified here will be used for showing the Replenishment Lead Time in the Live Inventory 2.0 response.
Note: The field id in this field can be specified in below formats:
- Use text:{HARDCODED_VALUE} if you want to include a static response.
- {fieldIdA},{fieldIdB},{fieldIdC}… if you want to include the first non-null field in the response. This helps if you have multiple fields for showing the replenishment lead time for the item.
- fn:{function name} if you want to include a response from a JavaScript function defined in the file suite_promoapi_invoice_transformers.js. If any extra item field is used for creating this function, you will need to add that field in the "Additional Item Search Columns" field present on the Inventory Setup screen (shown below):
Feature Details
The Replenishment Lead Time is the time it takes for the supplier to procure or manufacture the required item.
Based on the configuration details mentioned above, the Replenishment Lead Time (in days) will be included in the API Response, using the value present in the field on the item record.
For example: The "Replenishment Lead Time" item field is specified as {custitem_extend_promo_api_repl_led_tim}. On the item record, the value in this field is "2". When you view the live inventory response for this item, you will see this value in the XML element replinishmentLeadTime, as shown in the response example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1=""><soap:Body><getInventoryLevelsResponse><Inventory xmlns=""><productId>CAB00001</productId><PartInventoryArray><PartInventory><partId>CAB00001</partId><mainPart>true</mainPart><partDescription>description</partDescription><quantityAvailable><Quantity><uom>EA</uom><value>36</value></Quantity></quantityAvailable><manufacturedItem>false</manufacturedItem><buyToOrder>true</buyToOrder><replenishmentLeadTime>2</replenishmentLeadTime><attributeSelection>Material: CAB00001</attributeSelection><lastModified>2019-05-22T11:40:42.009Z</lastModified></PartInventory></PartInventoryArray></Inventory></getInventoryLevelsResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
- If you have defined a hardcoded value in the Inventory Setup, that value will be returned in the response.
- If you have specified multiple fields in the Inventory Setup, the first non-empty value will be returned in the response.
- If you have specified a function to generate the value, the value generated by your function will be returned in the response.