Version: eXtendPS-DE all versions
Audience: Administrator, User


In this guide, we will help you understand and resolve the common errors you may encounter when working with vendors' PromoStandards order status endpoints in eXtendPS-DE.

Understanding the Errors

Here are some of the common errors, their possible causes, and suggested solutions:

  1. Error: "Order status was not found for this PO. Please contact XXXXXX support for resolution."
    • Possible Reason: This error might occur if the vendor hasn't updated their PromoStandards services with your recently placed purchase order information, or if the purchase order number sent via eXtendPS-DE doesn't match the actual purchase order number used by the vendor.
    • Solution: You may need to contact your vendor to confirm the delay time in updating their data on PromoStandards, or verify that the PURCHASE ORDER EXTERNAL ID FIELD in the eXtendPS-DE Setup screen matches the actual purchase order number.
  2. Error: "Authentication Credentials failed."
    • Possible Reason: The user credentials you're using to access your vendor's PromoStandards services might be invalid.
    • Solution: First, verify if the PromoStandards credentials specified on your vendor record are correct. If they are correct but you're still having issues, reach out to your vendor for assistance. If the credentials are incorrect, update them on the associated vendor record or request new credentials from your vendor.
  3. Error: "The host you are trying to connect to is not responding."
    • Possible Reason: This error can occur if the system sends an order status update request to the vendor's PromoStandards endpoint but doesn't receive any response.
    • Solution: Check if the PromoStandards endpoints configured on your vendor are correct. Also, check to see if you have received any communication from the vendor about any PromoStandards server maintenance. If not, contact your vendor and report the issue.
  4. Error: "An untrusted, unsupported, or invalid certificate was found for this host."
    • Possible Reason: The vendor's PromoStandards server might be experiencing issues with its SSL certificate.
    • Solution: Contact your vendor and report the error to them.
  5. Error: "Connection Closed."
    • Possible Reason: The connection to the vendor's PromoStandards server might have been closed.
    • Solution: If this error occurs repeatedly, contact your vendor and report the issue. However, if the error is intermittent, it may not require further action.