Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.2 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


eXtendPS-SE supports the PromoStandards Product Compliance 1.0.0 service. Once the service is enabled and items are configured with product compliance information, you will be able to enable Product Compliance responses for your items.
Once the product compliance service is enabled and configured on your items, you can use the endpoint URL to view product compliance responses. A sample request and sample response from the product compliance service provided by eXtendPS-SE is below.


Sample request

        <GetComplianceRequest xmlns="">
            <!--The Standard Version of the Web Service being referenced-->
            <!--The customer Id or any other agreed upon Id.-->
            <!--The password associated with the Id-->
            <!--The identifier of the product to get compliance data for-->
            <productId>esp New Test Matrix Item</productId>
            <!--The identifier of the part to get compliance data for; this element being left off indicates an intention to get compliance data on any applicable parts for the specific product whereas including this element indicates an intention to only get compliance data for the specific part-->

Sample response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <GetComplianceResponse xmlns="">
                    <productId>esp New Test Matrix Item</productId>
                    <partId>esp New Test Matrix Item : esp New Test Matrix-Black</partId>
                                <applicableWarning>On Product Cancer</applicableWarning>
                                <warningLabelApplied>Long Form</warningLabelApplied>
                                <applicableWarning>On Product Cancer</applicableWarning>
                                    <applicableChemical>Abiraterone acetate</applicableChemical>
                                <warningLabelApplied>Short Form</warningLabelApplied>
                        <policyForApplyingLabel>Applied Upon Request</policyForApplyingLabel>
                    <productId>esp New Test Matrix Item</productId>
                    <partId>esp New Test Matrix Item : esp New Test Matrix-R</partId>


Sample request format:

        <GetProductsWithRegulationsRequest xmlns="">
            <!--The Standard Version of the Web Service being referenced-->
            <!--The customer Id or any other agreed upon Id.-->
            <!--The password associated with the Id-->
            <!--Beginning date time since last change in UTC-->
            <changeTimeStamp>3/23/2021 1:16 pm</changeTimeStamp>

Sample response format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <GetProductsWithRegulationsResponse xmlns="">
                    <productId>esp New Test Matrix Item : esp New Test Matrix-Black</productId>
                    <productId>henley : henley-B-X</productId>
                    <productId>henley : henley-B-XL</productId>
                    <productId>henley : henley-Beige-X</productId>
                    <productId>henley : henley-Beige-XL</productId>