Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.1 and above
Audience: Administrator


The getProductSellable() service retrieves your entire product catalog with a single API call. This allows your distributor to have access to your complete product catalog. However, in some NetSuite accounts, searching may time out if the number of products or items is too high for your NetSuite service tier. Therefore, it is advisable to test this service before going live.

You have the option to retrieve full responses or limited responses. For instance, you can choose to retrieve only 10,000 items instead of returning all the products and parts.


To configure the Product Data service's getProductSellable response, go to the Product Data Setup page at eXtendTech → eXtendPS-SE → Product Data Setup and open the "Product Sellable Service" subtab.
Image Placeholder

  1. Product is Sellable
    Field ID in NetSuite that indicates if the product is sellable.

  2. Part is Sellable
    Field ID in NetSuite that indicates if the product part is sellable.

  3. Product Search Limit
    The maximum number of products to show in the product sellable service response.

  4. Kit Part Search Limit
    The maximum number of kit part items to show in the product sellable service response.

  5. Other Part Search Limit
    The maximum number of other part items to show in the product sellable service response.

  6. Cache Sellable Response
    Enable this preference to send the getProductSellable response from the eXtendPS-SE Product Data Sellable Cache record. See Create and Enable getProductSellable Cache for more information.

  7. Cache Sellable Page Size
    The page size that will be used while fetching the items to be cached.

  8. Cache Sellable Max Item Search Limit
    The maximum number of items which will be cached and to return in the product sellable service response.


  • The Product Is Sellable and Part Is Sellable fields can be specified using hardcoded values or multiple-field values.
    • This value can be set with a hardcoded value such as "text:true" to indicate that all products being returned are sellable. The value can also be specified in the format fieldID1,fieldID2,fieldID3
       to return the first non-null field in the response.
  • Functional Mappings are not supported for fields in the Product Sellable Service.
  • The Product Search Limit, Kit Part Search Limit, Other part Search Limit fields are available to optimize the performance if the searches.