Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.2 and above
Audience: Administrator

The Product Pricing and Configuration Service must be configured before it can be made available to Distributors. The configuration maps fields from the NetSuite item object to the corresponding fields in the PromoStandards API response.

To configure the service:

  1. Go to eXtendTech  eXtendPS-SE → Product Pricing Setup.

  2. Complete the fields of the General Field Mappings section as follows:

    1. Product ID*
      Select the field that contains the main item ID.

      The recommended field for this is {itemid}

    2. Location*
      Enter the field on the item that shows the location to use for the product pricing.

      See Configuring Multiple Locations and FOB Points for more information regarding this field's configuration.

      The recommended field for this is {location}

    3. Validate Response

      This setting controls whether to validate a field's data type before returning the response.

      See Perform Promostandards Services XML Response Validation for more information.

  3. Fill the fields of the Part Field Mappings section as follows:

    1. Part ID*
      Select the field that contains item's part ID.

      The recommended field for this is {itemid}

    2. Description
      Field on the part item that specifies the part's description.

      The recommended field for this is {salesdescription}

    3. Default Part Field
      Field on the part item that determines if a part is included in the “Basic Pricing Configuration” service price.

  4. Specify the Pricing Field Mappings as follows:

    Note: There are two sublist in this subtab, one for Quantity UOM Mapping and one for Price Level Mapping.

    1. Quantity UOM Mapping
      In this mapping, select your NetSuite unit value which represents the PromoStandards unit value.
      You can provide multiple quantity UOM mappings as per your requirements.

    2. Price Level Mapping
      In this mapping, select your NetSuite price level which represents the PromoStandards price type. You can provide multiple price level mappings as per your requirement.
      Image Placeholder

      There are three more fields related to the price level mapping listed below which are required to be completed:

      1. Discount Code Field
        This field will determine the offered industry discount code. The eXtendPS-SE Industry Discount Code {custitem_extend_promo_ind_code}
         field is included in eXtendPS-SE if an existing field does not already exist.

      2. Price Effective Date Field
        This field will determine the price effective date of the product. If no value is populated, the last modified date will be considered as price effective date. The eXtendPS-SE Price Effective Date {custitem_extend_promo_api_price_effctv} field is included in eXtendPS-SE if an existing field does not already exist.

      3. Price Expiry Date Field
        This field will determine the price expiry date of the product. If no value is populated, next year’s date after today will be considered as the price expiry date. The eXtendPS-SE Price Expiry Date {custitem_extend_promo_api_expry_effctv}
         field is included in eXtendPS-SE if an existing field does not already exist.

      4. Repeat Discount Code Field
        This field will determine the offered repeat discount code. The eXtendPS-SE Repeat Industry discount code {custitem_extend_promo_repeat_dc}
         field is included in eXtendPS-SE if an existing field does not already exist.

      5. Repeat Price Field
        Field on the item that contains the repeat price of the item. The eXtendPS-SE Repeat Price {custitem_extend_promo_repeat_price}
         field is included in eXtendPS-SE if an existing field does not already exist.

      6. Exclude Quantity Header 0 Prices
        This checkbox determines whether to return the quantity 0 pricing header in the response or not.

      7. Show Qty0 Prices as 1 for Main Items
        This checkbox determines whether to return the quantity 0 pricing header as quantity 1 in the response or not.

      8. Sort Pricing Quantity Header
        Specify whether the quantity pricing is returned in ascending or descending order.

  5. Fill the fields of Currency Field Mappings subtab as follows:

    In this mapping, you will have to map your NetSuite currencies to the PromoStandards API currencies. You can provide multiple currency mappings as per your 
    requirements. Image Placeholder

  6. Complete the Decoration Charges Mappings subtab
    as follows:
    Image Placeholder
    1. Saved Search ID for Decoration*
      A Decoration Upcharges saved search will filter all the upcharges and item decoration configuration details for the main item. You will have to create a saved search against your decoration configuration record to populate the required pricing and configuration details.

    2. IMC Group for Decoration
      Imprinting group reference in the imprint configuration custom record.

    3. IMC Group for Item
      Imprinting group reference on the item.

    4. Main Item Reference Field Id
      Main item reference field/column id in the saved search.

    5. Imprint and Decoration Mappings subtab
      fieldsImage Placeholder
      1. Location level fields
        1. Imprint Location ID Field Imprinting location ID.
        2. Imprint Location Field*– Imprinting location name.
        3. Decorations Included Field* - Number of decorations included in the price.
        4. Is Default Location Field* - Determines if the mentioned imprinting location is default location or not.
        5. Max Decoration Field* - Maximum number of decorations that can be imprinted.
        6. Min Decoration Field* - Minimum number of decorations that are required.
        7. Location Rank Field– Field showing the value of popularity of location-based on supplier experience.
      2. Decoration level fields
        1. Decoration Id Field - Decoration ID.
        2. Decoration Geometry Field* - Shows the shape of decoration.
        3. Decoration Name Field Name of decoration.
        4. Decoration UOM Field* - Unit of measure of decoration area.
        5. Allow Sub for Default Location Field* - Determines that buyer can substitute a decoration location without changing the price or not.
        6. Allow Sub for Default Method Field* - Determines that buyer can substitute a decoration method without changing the price or not.
        7. Item Quantity Less Than Minimum FieldAbsolute minimum quantity that can be ordered without a Less Than Minimum (LTM) charge.
        8. Decoration Height FieldHeight of decoration to be imprinted.
        9. Decoration Width FieldWidth of decoration to be imprinted.
        10. Decoration Diameter FieldDiameter of decoration to be imprinted.
        11. Decoration Units Included – Number of decoration units included.
        12. Decoration Units Included UOM FieldUnit of measure for included decoration units.
        13. Max Decoration Units Field- Maximum number of decoration units that can be done on the product for decoration/location combination.
        14. Lead Time FieldRequired lead time for the given decoration work.
        15. Rush Lead Time FieldRequired lead time for the given decoration work in case of rush service.
        16. Default Decoration FieldDetermines whether the given decoration is default decoration for a location.
      3. Product Data 2.0 Fields
        1. Maximum Imprint Colors
          Maximum number of imprint colors available based on decoration location and type.

        2. Includes Price
          Checkbox field on the imprint configuration record which determines whether prices of the decoration(s) are included in the item price or not.

      4. Decoration Charges Mappings
        To create decoration charge mappings, select the charge type and specify the item field reference against it.

        Decoration Charges Mappings subtab fields
        Image Placeholder
          1. Decoration Charge Description Field* - Decoration charge description on IMC record.
          2. Decoration Charge Name Field* - Decoration charge name on IMC record.
          3. Decoration Charge Id Field* - Decoration charge ID on IMC record.
          4. Charge Per Location FieldCharge of decoration per location basis.
          5. Charge Per Color FieldCharge of decoration per color basis.
          6. Is Charge Applied If Ordered Less Than Minimum Field* - Charge applied if order is less than minimum.
          7. Exclude Quantity Header 0 Prices– This checkbox determines whether to exclude quantity 0 price of charge items from the service response or not.
          8. Show Qty0 Prices as 1 for Charge Items - This checkbox determines whether to return quantity 0 pricing header as quantity 1 in the response or not.
          9. YMINQTY FOR CHARGE PRICES – Field containing minimum y-value quantity for the price.
          10. Charge Type => Item Field ID Reference Mapping – Decoration Charge type with Item field containing that charge type price mapping.

  7. Complete the Additional Configuration subtab as follows:Image Placeholder

    1. Additional Item Search Column
      Additional item search columns required for functional mappings.

      Note: Add additional item search columns in a comma-separated format.

    2. Product Search Filters
      This field works in conjunction with the Product ID field's value. The field specified will be used for filtering the items for creating a pricing and configuration response. The field specified in the Product ID field will be used for displaying the item name in the response. 

      If this field is left empty, then the field specified under Product ID field will be used for both filtering and showing the item name in the response. See How to remove parent name from part name in PromoStandards responses? for more information on this field.

    3. Part Search Filters
      This field works in conjunction with the Part ID field's value. The field specified will be used for filtering the items for creating a pricing and configuration response. The field specified in Part ID field will be used for displaying the item name in the response.

      If this field is left empty, then the field specified under Part ID field will be used for both filtering and showing the item name in the response. See How to remove parent name from part name in PromoStandards responses? for more information on this field.

    4. Part Max Search Limit
      Specify the maximum number of parts which will be sent in the response.

    5. Item Pricing Max Search Limit
      Specify the maximum number of item pricing details which will be sent in the response.

      Note: If you are using quantity pricing and there are five quantity pricing columns, if you specify  the maximum part search limit as 2 then your item pricing max search limit must be 2x5 i.e. 10 to show all pricings in the response.

    6. Charge Item Pricing Max Search Limit
      Specify the maximum number of charge item pricing details to be sent in the response.

      Note: If there are three charge items present on your item record, and all of them are using quantity pricing with 5 columns and you specified maximum part search limit as 2, you must specify this value as 3x5x2 (i.e. 30).

    7. Exclude Item Types
      Select any item types to exclude from the product pricing response.

    8. Group Non-Matrix Parent
      Enable this checkbox if you have non-matrix items with a parent. When checked, upon searching for a pricing and configuration response using a non-matrix parent item, it will provide the pricing and configuration details for all child items linked with the parent item.

    9. Always Group Matrix Parent IMCs
      Enable this checkbox if you want to return IMC records present on the matrix parent item's IMC group in the response. By enabling this feature, the IMCs in the IMC group applied on the child item will be returned along with the IMCs of the IMC group applied on the parent item in the response when a child item is searched for a decorated pricing response. If this feature is not enabled, only a child item's IMC group's IMCs will be returned in the response when child item is searched for decorated pricing response.