Version: eXtendFiles 1.6.2  - released June 10, 2021

Features Added:

  • Added a scripted hook for file upload which addresses some specific use-cases using additional client-side scripts such as:
    • Do not allow file upload if certain required fields are missing.
    • Do not allow file upload if multiple files are uploaded at once.
    • Add prefix or suffix to file names before they are uploaded.
  • Allow support to upload files as individual users respecting the folder level sharing rules defined natively in OneDrive / SharePoint. Configuration Article
    • When this feature is enabled, it will require every user to individually authenticate with their Microsoft login.
    • Important note: If you initially configure to use this method with eXtendFiles and subsequently turn-off this method,  you may encounter problems when attempting to access eXtendFiles.
  • Company Preference Parameters no longer need to be cleared for Sandbox/RP accounts upon refresh. Previously, you were required to explicitly clear the Company Preferences upon Sandbox refresh.
  • Added support to allow access to eXtendFiles to users such as vendors and customers via the NetSuite  vendor and customer centers if/when an eXtendFile is linked to the user's entity record. 
  • Added support for file versioning in OneDrive/SharePoint.

Enhancements & Fixes:

  • Allowed inline html list view width to be configurable from the eXtendFiles setup screen. Previously, it was hardcoded to 300px. 
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  • Enabled eXtendFiles to function properly in NetSuite accounts where the Sales Order feature is not enabled.
  • Eliminated the secured signed Approval URL button from appearing when this feature is not configured and an inline html button is added.
    • Learn More about secured Approval URLs (applicable for collaboration edition).
  • Signed URL for an eXtendFiles can be generated if bucket name has 's3' in it. Previously, it would error if the bucket name contained the value of 's3'.
  • Maximum file links for inline view display is now configurable. Previously, it was hardcoded with a maximum of 200. 
    • Learn more about inline link view feature from here.
    • Configuration instruction can be found from setup article.
  • Enhanced the eXtendFiles progress upload bar to show the progress more visually.
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  • Enabled the ability for a user to select a bucket as drop down field on eXtendFiles - Folder information record. 
    • This feature was added previously to allow folder / bucket to be selected per eXtendFIles. 
    • Learn More about choosing the folder per file upload.
  • AWS S3 region now need not be specified on the eXtendFiles setup screen while configuring setup screen to use AWS S3.