Version: eXtendFiles 1.6.2 or above with Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Oracle Object Storage
Audience: Administrator


eXtendFiles, along with a compatible storage provider, allows you to upload files to different folders within your backend file storage.

To use this feature, first create eXtendFiles - Folder Information records in NetSuite. Users can then choose their desired folder when before uploading files through eXtendFiles.


Record Configuration

  1. Go to Customization  Lists, Records & Fields  Record Types  eXtendFiles - Folder Information  New.Image Placeholder
  2. Configure the fields on the eXtendFiles - Folder Information record:
    1. Name: Enter a descriptive name for this folder information record. Users will see this name when selecting folders during file uploads or viewing file locations.
    2. Folder ID: Enter the folder path in your backend storage.
      1. Example 1
        For a folder named folderA in the bucket's root directory, enter folderA/{uuid}
      2. Example 2
        For a folder named folderB inside folderA in the root directory, enter folderA/folderB/{uuid}
    3. Bucket: Choose the storage bucket that contains (or will contain) your folder. Note: The bucket dropdown shows only buckets configured in the eXtendFiles Setup page.
    4. Region: This field automatically populates based on your bucket selection.
    5. Store: This field automatically displays your configured storage type.
  • If the folder name specified in the Folder ID field doesn't exist in your cloud storage, it will be automatically created in your bucket when you upload an eXtendFiles record.
  • After creating a folder record, you cannot edit its core fields—only the record name can be modified. If you need to make other changes, you must create a new record and either deactivate or delete the existing one.

Script Deployment Configuration

The folder upload feature requires script deployments to ensure all necessary scripts are available and running.

Before creating new script deployments, verify whether they already exist.

  1. eXtendFiles User Event
    1. Navigate to CustomizationScriptingScripts
    2. Locate and open the script titled eXtendFiles User Event
    3. Click Deploy Script
    4. Configure the deployment with these settings:
      1. Applies To: eXtendFiles - Folder Information
      2. Status: Released
      3. Audience: All Roles
        Image Placeholder
  2. eXtendFiles Client Script
    1. Navigate to CustomizationScriptingScripts
    2. Locate and open the script titled eXtendFiles Client Script
    3. Configure the deployment with these settings:
      1. Applies To: eXtendFiles - Folder Information
      2. Status: Released
      3. Audience: All Roles
        Image Placeholder

Workflow Configuration

A workflow called eXtendFiles - Folder Information [S] comes with the bundle. This workflow prevents users from modifying the record by disabling fields of the eXtendFiles - Folder Information record. Make sure this workflow is set to "Released" status.

This restriction protects the record's integrity since any changes could disrupt the eXtendFiles file upload functionality.