Use Case Examples
Set File Type Attribute as Mandatory
to "true"
[{"fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist","source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype","label": "File Type","native": false,"required": true}]
Set File Type Attribute as Mandatory with Filter

[{"fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist","source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype","label": "File Type","required": true,"native": false,"filterExpression": ["internalid","anyof",[2,3,4]]}]
Set File Type Attribute as Optional
to "false"
[{"fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist","source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype","label": "File Type","native": false,"required": false}]
Add Text Field Attribute
, which is used for List/Record references, and adding "type": "text"
which is used for text fields.
[{"fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_file_description","label": "File Description","required": false,"native": false,"type": "text"}]
Combining Multiple Attributes

[{"fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist","source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype","label": "File Type","required": true,"native": false,"filterExpression": ["internalid","anyof",[2,3,4]]},{"fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_file_description","label": "File Description","required": false,"native": false,"type": "text"}]
Additional Information
- Minify your JSON configuration when entering it into the Custom eXtendFiles Attribute field. Whitespace and formatting can cause issues with applying the configuration.
- The inline upload feature requires configuration and deployment prior to using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes. See Configure the eXtendFiles Inline Upload Feature for configuration instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the eXtendFiles Inline Upload feature?
A: The eXtendFiles Inline Upload feature allows file upload directly from NetSuite records using a drag and drop area.
Q: How can I set attributes on my uploaded eXtendFiles records?
A: Once configured, you can set attributes on your uploaded eXtendFiles records using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes. These attributes include single select (List/Record), multiple select, and text (Free-Form Text, Text Area, Long Text) fields that can be defined as optional or mandatory. Other field types aren't supported at this time.
Q: How can I make a file attribute mandatory during inline upload?
A: To make a file attribute mandatory, you need to specify set the "required" parameter to "true" in the attribute configuration.
Q: Can I add filters to restrict selectable options for a file attribute?
A: Yes, you can add filters to restrict selectable options for a file attribute by including the NetSuite filter expression in the attribute configuration.
Q: How can I make a file attribute optional during inline upload?
A: To make a file attribute optional, set the "required" parameter to "false" in the attribute configuration.
Q: Can I add a text field attribute during inline upload?
A: Yes, you can add a text field attribute by specifying the attribute configuration without the "source" parameter and including the "type" parameter set to "text".
Q: Can I combine multiple attributes during inline upload?
A: Yes, you can combine multiple attributes by including their respective attribute configurations in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field.