Version: eXtendFiles 1.6.5 and above
Audience: Administrator


The eXtendFiles Inline Upload feature allows you to upload files directly from a record using a drag and drop interface. Additionally, the inline upload feature allows you to set required attributes on the uploaded file. This is done using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes and a JSON configuration.

Using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes, you can define optional (or mandatory) single select, multiple select, and text fields to be set on your uploaded eXtendFiles records. Note that while you can configure a multiple select field as a custom attribute, only a single value can be selected. The configurations below apply to both inline upload and public upload when using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes.

Use Case Examples

Set File Type Attribute as Mandatory

Specify the configuration below in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field to show the File Type (Custom) field as a mandatory selection in inline upload. This is done by setting "required" to "true".
Image Placeholder
        "fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist",
        "source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype",
        "label": "File Type",
        "native": false,
        "required": true

Set File Type Attribute as Mandatory with Filter

Specify the configuration below in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field to show the File Type (Custom) field as a mandatory selection in inline upload with a filter to show only specific file types as selectable options. The filter is added based on the File Type (Custom)'s options based on their internal id. Filters are based on NetSuite's filter expressions format.
Image Placeholder
        "fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist",
        "source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype",
        "label": "File Type",
        "required": true,
        "native": false,
        "filterExpression": [

Set File Type Attribute as Optional

Specify the configuration below in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field to show the File Type (Custom) field as an optional selection in inline upload. This is done by setting "required" to "false".
Image Placeholder
        "fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist",
        "source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype",
        "label": "File Type",
        "native": false,
        "required": false

Add Text Field Attribute

Specify the configuration below in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field to show the field as a mandatory selection in inline upload. This is done by removing "source", which is used for List/Record references, and adding "type": "text" which is used for text fields.
Image Placeholder
        "fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_file_description",
        "label": "File Description",
        "required": false,
        "native": false,
        "type": "text"

Combining Multiple Attributes

Specify the configuration below in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field to combine multiple attributes. In the example below, we're adding File Type (Custom) as a mandatory attribute with filters, and File Description as an optional attribute.
Image Placeholder
        "fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_type_custlist",
        "source": "customlist_extend_s3fr_recordtype",
        "label": "File Type",
        "required": true,
        "native": false,
        "filterExpression": [
        "fieldId": "custrecord_extfile_file_description",
        "label": "File Description",
        "required": false,
        "native": false,
        "type": "text"

Additional Information

  • Minify your JSON configuration when entering it into the Custom eXtendFiles Attribute field. Whitespace and formatting can cause issues with applying the configuration.
  • The inline upload feature requires configuration and deployment prior to using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes. See Configure the eXtendFiles Inline Upload Feature for configuration instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the eXtendFiles Inline Upload feature?
A: The eXtendFiles Inline Upload feature allows file upload directly from NetSuite records using a drag and drop area.

Q: How can I set attributes on my uploaded eXtendFiles records?
A: Once configured, you can set attributes on your uploaded eXtendFiles records using Custom eXtendFiles Attributes. These attributes include single select (List/Record), multiple select, and text (Free-Form Text, Text Area, Long Text) fields that can be defined as optional or mandatory. Other field types aren't supported at this time.

Q: How can I make a file attribute mandatory during inline upload?
A: To make a file attribute mandatory, you need to specify set the "required" parameter to "true" in the attribute configuration.

Q: Can I add filters to restrict selectable options for a file attribute?
A: Yes, you can add filters to restrict selectable options for a file attribute by including the NetSuite filter expression in the attribute configuration.

Q: How can I make a file attribute optional during inline upload?
A: To make a file attribute optional, set the "required" parameter to "false" in the attribute configuration.

Q: Can I add a text field attribute during inline upload?
A: Yes, you can add a text field attribute by specifying the attribute configuration without the "source" parameter and including the "type" parameter set to "text".

Q: Can I combine multiple attributes during inline upload?
A: Yes, you can combine multiple attributes by including their respective attribute configurations in the "Custom eXtendFiles Attribute" field.

Q: Can I control the sort order of single select and multiple select entries in the list?
A: At this time, Custom eXtendFiles Attributes are designed to sort alphabetically. This sorting behavior cannot be modified.