Version: 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator

This article can be useful if you want to achieve one of the following for an item that has been either constituted though eXtendItem or has been explicitly linked to eXtendItem. You can perform this on automated scheduled basis:

  1. To refresh all or selected fields data available through item constitution. (for eg: you want to inactivate an item which vendor is not selling anymore)
  2. To automatically update the purchase price of items from connected vendors. 

A. Item Refresh
For refreshing item record constituted via eXtendItem follow below steps:
  1. Create a workflow on item record and add an action for adding a button on the item record for item refresh.
  2. Now add another state in the workflow and add custom action eXtendItemDB Item Custom Integration in it.
  3. Now specify the value of the following fields as per details mentioned below:Image Placeholder
    1. eXtendItemDB Custom User Integration Name - Value specified in this field will be used for integration logs creation on execution of this action.
    2. eXtendItemDB Custom Field Mapping Integration Name - In case of item refresh you must specify the value of this field as itemdb_custom_ns_child_matrix_item since this integration is used on item constitution for setting field values on item record.
    3. eXtendItemDB Update Item Cost - If you want to refresh the item purchase price (item body level field) also them check this checkbox.
  4. Add transition between state #1 to state #2 on button click which was added in state #1.
  5. You can also create a scheduled workflow using eXtendItemDB Item Custom Integration workflow action script by defining its script level parameter as specified in above step.
B. Item Pricing Refresh
If you want to update only the purchase price of the item then follow the below steps:
  1. Workflow creation step is the same as specified in section Item Refresh. Although the script level parameters of workflow action eXtendItemDB Item Custom Integration will be different, and the details for the same is mentioned below:Image Placeholder
    1. eXtendItemDB Custom User Integration Name - Value specified in this field will be used for integration logs creation on execution of this action.
    2. eXtendItemDB Custom Field Mapping Integration Name - Specify any dummy value since you are not updating any field via integration
    3. eXtendItemDB Update Item Cost - Check this checkbox for updating the item purchase price (item body level field).
Note: This workflow will update the purchase price at body level purchase price field only. For updating purchase price at vendor sublist you will need to use eXtendItemDB Update Purchase Price {customscript_extend_itemdb_update_pur_pr} Map/Reduce. Please refer this article for more details regarding this feature.

C. Specific Item Field Update - In case there is a requirement for updating only some or one field of item record then please follow below steps:
  1. Create item field mapping for the field which you want to update and specify a unique integration name for those mappings. Refer this article for more details regarding item field mapping.
  2. Now create workflow as created in section Item Refresh.
  3. Specify values of script level parameters of the workflow action eXtendItemDB Item Custom Integration as mentioned below:

    1. eXtendItemDB Custom User Integration Name - Value specified in this field will be used for integration logs creation on execution of this action.
    2. eXtendItemDB Custom Field Mapping Integration Name - Specify the integration name which you have used in creating field mappings in #1.
    3. eXtendItemDB Update Item Cost - If you want to refresh the item purchase price (item body level field) also them check this checkbox.