Version: eXtendMultiFulfillment all versions
Audience: All

If you're unable to see the Multifulfill button on a sales order, this could be due to a variety of factors. Below, we've outlined the most common reasons:
  1. Shipment Status: If the status of all shipments are shipped, the Multifulfill button will not appear.
  2. Sales Order Status: A sales order that has been fully shipped and billed will not display the Multifulfill button.
  3. Pre-fulfillment Records: The Multifulfill button won't appear if there are no pre-fulfillment records uploaded on the sales order. You can either import or manually enter pre-fulfillment records. Please refer to our guides How to Import Pre-Fulfillment Records and How to Manually Enter Pre-Fulfillment Records for more information.
  4. Processed Pre-fulfillments: If all uploaded pre-fulfillments have been processed and linked to item fulfillments, the Multifulfill button will not be displayed.